[email protected] | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 31 Learn more at learn.vistahigherlearning.com/experiencias-interm Culture as the Content Deepening the students’ understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and developing intercultural competence is a priority of this program. Second Language Acquisition Research in Action The authors have developed this program based on SLA research and their own classroom experience. Vocabulary is presented in smaller contextualized groupings utilizing comprehensible input and inductive approaches, asking students to make inferences. Breaking Down Cultural Barriers One way to increase intercultural competence is through personal connection. In each chapter, students meet a new person from the country of focus. These new friends introduce students to their countries with a special focus on the products, practices, and perspectives. Students meet these friends again later, in the Podcast, where they can reflect and make connections. Finding commonalities is the first step to breaking down cultural barriers. Authentic Learning Supported by Backward Design Experiencias applies backward design principles to create learning experiences that focus on what your students will be able to accomplish with the language. A guiding question begins each chapter. In the final Proyecto, students are prompted to answer that same question, and everything they learn in the chapter—vocabulary, language structures, culture, and activities—will help them get there. Students Learn with Metacognition Language acquisition tips and strategies appear throughout the program so students are made aware of how to best learn language and become autonomous language learners. Sofía sale a la calle a preguntar Video Get to know Sofía, who makes frequent appearances throughout the program as the students’ personal guide and mentor on their language and cultural journey. In this video program, she interviews native speakers from the community about contemporary issues and asks for their perspectives on topics like immigration, leaving home, the consequences of economic crises, and many more! Articulated Program Experiencias Beginning can be followed by Experiencias Intermediate. What sets Experiencias: Intermediate apart? SPANISH INTERMEDIATE