24 Shop for student savings at our online store: vistahigherlearning.com/store Learning Tracks: Pre-created course templates Guided Online Learning Progression 3-step Vocabulary Tutorials with Speech Recognition Vocabulary Review with Speech Recognition Pronunciation Tutorials with Speech Recognition Grammar Tutorials Episodic Video / Fotonovela Short films Flash cultura and Interview-based videos Short Authentic Videos Podcast Videos with interactive viewing activities Authentic readings and texts News and Cultural Updates Video Virtual Chats with Native Speakers Group Video Chats Projects Assignable IPAs and/or Projects with Editable Online Rubrics Question Bank Practice Quizzes with diagnostics AI-Assisted Feedback Student Portfolio Adelante 3e Aventuras 7e Protagonistas 3e Experiencias: Beginning 2e Viva 5e Panorama 7e Con brío 4e Pura vida 2e Dicho y hecho 11e Vistas 7e Portales 2.0: Introductory FEATURE SUMMARY As you evaluate our programs, use this chart to compare the different digital tools and specific features from each program in order to find the one that best meets your course needs. Please note: All programs include our Assessment Builder and Video Partner Chats. INTRODUCTORY SPANISH