22 Shop for student savings at our online store: vistahigherlearning.com/store Student-Centered Language Learning Vistas, our flagship program, is a comprehensive, student-friendly approach to introductory Spanish. With interactive grammar and vocabulary practice, engaging media, and communicative tasks, introductory students gain the confidence and cultural understanding needed to take them to the next level. This edition of Vistas contains more communicative and cultural reflection activities, plus new technology to help your students communicate with confidence in real-life situations! Discovering new treasures every day that I can use—from the “I Can” statements to the additional mini cultural videos under Panorama, to the updated Fotonovela and the News and Cultural Updates!! I’m loving it! —Sarah Mather, Instructor, Grand Valley State University What sets Vistas apart? • Engage Students with the NEW Fotonovela Video Fully integrated with the text, the brand-new Fotonovela video is a dynamic and contemporary way to introduce students to Spanish language and culture. The video centers around a diverse group of students studying in Spain. These video episodes also feature NEW integrated Quick Checks, ensuring students are active viewers, while also checking their comprehension. • Exploration of Real-World Scenarios with the NEW Proyecto The NEW Proyecto page in each lesson incorporates a theme-based project with online rubric grading. Proyecto gives students an opportunity to use the language they are learning in engaging and collaborative tasks where they have to think critically, negotiate in groups, and present their work. The projects are supported by guiding questions, examples, and a rubric to set Learn more at learn.vistahigherlearning.com/vistas Vistas Introducción a la lengua española José A. Blanco, Philip R. Donley 7th Edition | ©2024 | 18 Lessons clear expectations. A Proyecto may be used as an alternative assessment that aligns well with all course modalities (online, hybrid, in-person). • Prioritize Intercultural Reflection via NEW Activities, Videos, and Cultural Content Provide students with countless opportunities for intercultural reflection through NEW open-ended activities where students engage with their own culture as well as with the target culture to gain intercultural competence while also learning to express themselves in Spanish. • Expand Student Production with NEW Video Group Chats and NEW Individual Video Recording Activities Video Group Chat and Individual Video Recording activities allow single or up to six students to record and upload a video. INTRODUCTORY SPANISH