[email protected] | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 17 How does the new Panorama increase the students’ Intercultural Competency and Understanding? The fourth mode of communication is the Intercultural Mode. We have incorporated Interculturality and Student Reflection throughout the NEW Panorama. Cultural Lesson Objectives in every section with accompanying Can-Do Statements at the end of each section. Updated Cultural Readings are more interesting and relevant to students, and include thoughtprovoking questions about cultural perspectives that encourage students to think beyond “what” and more about “why” people do things. Cultural reflection questions about products, practices, and perspectives appear throughout. This reflection makes better global citizens. Flash cultura now has interactive or presentational activities that give students the opportunity to apply what they have learned from the videos in a conversation or presentation focused on a better understanding of cultural products and perspectives of these cultures. New Panorama Cultural Videos focused on the products and perspectives of the Spanishspeaking parts of the world. What else is new to this edition? Expanded video content • New Fotonovela episodes that engage students and bridge language and culture • New En pantalla TV clips with authentic advertising and broadcast clips from different Spanish-speaking countries • Panorama cultural videos, which provide compelling visuals to accompany Panorama activities Art and illustration program The updated art and illustration program is full of contemporary, diverse illustrations that put vocabulary into today’s social context and support inclusive teaching practices. Group Chat and Individual Video Recording activities expand student production They allow single or multiple students to record a video production exercise, providing instructors with more flexibility in creating and assigning activities to groups within their classes. Social Awareness Annotations in the Instructor’s Edition to help instructors address Safe Space, Respecting Differences, and Interculturality (Investigate, Reflect, Explain). All additional testing sections are now assignable on the Supersite, including Lectura adicional and Cultura sections. Monthly News and Cultural Updates: Learn more on page 7. Learn more at learn.vistahigherlearning.com/panorama SPANISH INTRODUCTORY