Higher Education Spanish 2024 - 2025

12 Shop for student savings at our online store: vistahigherlearning.com/store Dicho y hecho is fully informed by research in second language acquisition and teaching methodology. It focuses on structured input-processing and output-based activities and tasks for meaningful and authentic communication void of drill activities, requiring students to negotiate meaning. • Approachable, communicative textbook: This program was updated to fulfill the need for an approachable, flexible, communicative text with a sound pedagogical foundation. • Research-based pedagogical approach: Input-processing principles in vocabulary and grammar instruction: All presentations start with comprehensible input, either visual or text. • Form-meaning connection is at the center: Activities are meaning-based, not mechanical. Language instruction is always at the service of communication. • Task-supported methodology: Vocabulary and grammar sections incorporate authentic, purposeful, multi-step tasks where learners produce new language independently and creatively as they work toward a tangible goal or outcome. Students need to solve communication gaps, agree on something, make plans, make decisions, express preferences, or make recommendations. What sets Dicho y hecho apart? Dicho y hecho Beginning Spanish Silvia Sobral, Kim Potowski 11th Edition | ©2024 | 15 Lessons Our main goal for Dicho y hecho was to create a truly communicative textbook, based on the principles of SLA research and input processing, but that is easy to teach from and implement — even if the instructor has not been trained in SLA methodology. —Kim Potowski, PhD Dicho y hecho author, University of Illinois at Chicago Our role as educators is to guide our students to become informed, inquisitive citizens who can question, reflect, and listen to others. —Silvia Sobral Dicho y hecho author, Brown University INTRODUCTORY SPANISH