Higher Education Spanish 2022 - 2023

42 Shop for student savings at our online store: vistahigherlearning.com/store It has a unique two-color design, special features like interviews and critical notes, and interesting graphic treatments of timelines and author biographies. • Each chapter of Letras is preceded by an indepth overview of the main literary themes and socio-historical dimensions of the period. A graphic timeline outlines the period’s most relevant historical and literary events in an easy-to-follow format. Advanced-level Spanish students will get a glimpse into centuries of Latin American literature with Letras de Hispanoamérica. The texts included in Letras de Hispanoamérica span twelve centuries, with a focus on authors from pre-Hispanic to contemporary times. Letras de Hispanoamérica is a comprehensive anthology presenting the written texts that form part of the literature and history of Spanish-speaking America. This literature survey program was designed for Spanish courses at the 300 and 400 level. • Each chapter presents the readings of multiple authors from a literary period, and includes a sixto-nine-page essay about the literary period and a timeline of main historic and literary events. • Individual author biographies include a list of works, followed by selected texts. • Analytical questions and composition topics on the works of each author are included. Learn more at vistahigherlearning.com/letras-de-hispanoamerica-002.html What makes this anthology different? Letras de Hispanoamérica Nueva antología de la literatura de las Américas Julio Ortega, Gustavo Pellón, Martín Gaspar ©2014 | 7 lessons ADVANCED SPANISH