Higher Education Spanish 2022 - 2023

38 Shop for student savings at our online store: vistahigherlearning.com/store • The literary collection in Aproximaciones is organized by genre: narrative (short story and novel), poetry, drama (one-act and full-length play), and essays. Each of the literary pieces has an introduction to the author, historical framework, commentaries on analysis for each genre, and exercises to guide students. • Aproximaciones, 8th Edition features a complete digital solution in the Supersite. With the Supersite, students have hundreds of program-specific, thematically based, and carefully scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips. • All literary readings are recorded by native speakers, with audio sync that highlights each sentence or paragraph as the audio plays. This is available on mobile devices as easily as listening to an audio book. Aproximaciones, 8th Edition offers the undergraduate Spanish student—major or nonmajor—a basic yet comprehensive introduction to literary analysis. Aproximaciones is designed to teach students basic skills in literary analysis through readings in Spanish and SpanishAmerican literature and a variety of exercises. The key to all approaches of literary study and criticism is the close reading of texts. The authors provide access to the tools of analysis as a lead-in to further more advanced study of literature and culture. —Dr. Edward Friedman Learn more at learn.vistahigherlearning.com/aproximaciones What makes this program unique? Aproximaciones Al estudio de la literatura hispánica Edward H. Friedman, L. Teresa Valdivieso (late), Carmelo Virgil (late) 8th Edition | ©2022 | 18 lessons ADVANCED SPANISH