Higher Education Spanish 2022 - 2023

34 Shop for student savings at our online store: vistahigherlearning.com/store INTERMEDIATE SPANISH Portales 2.0: Intermediate Spanish combines proven content, groundbreaking technology, and a strong understanding of how today’s students learn. Whether you’re teaching a fully online, hybrid, or face-to-face Spanish course, Portales 2.0 is the right solution for effective and authentic language learning. What sets this program apart? Learn more at learn.vistahigherlearning.com/portales Portales 2.0: Intermediate Spanish ©2024 | 12 Lessons READY FOR FALL 2023 CLASSES • Designed for language learning, by language experts: Portales is designed exclusively for language learning, and includes robust resources for instructors: including Learning Tracks for easy course setup, timesaving gradebook analytics, auto-graded activities, personalization tools, and robust instructor resources for use in the classroom, online, or in hybrid environments. • Unique learning progression: Portales isn’t just a book, but an entire learning environment where students are led through the learning experience. The activities and features are designed to keep them engaged every step of the way. With Portales, students can explore and learn at their own pace. • Digital innovation: Portales deepens and enhances the student learning experience with its unique progression of interactive instructional activities, personalized diagnostics, and groundbreaking language learning technology such as speech recognition. The learning activities are designed to keep students engaged every step of the way with dynamic vocabulary tutorials in the target language, interactive grammar tutorials, and culturally rich video. • Support for interculturality: Interculturality is supported by the addition of ACTFL Standards and correlations, along with annotations related to cultural content and communicative goals.