Books for Children and Young Adults in Spanish 2023

Hyeon-Jeong Ahn ¿Cuáles son los secretos de las plantas? Adaptación y supervivencia The Hidden Secrets of Plants: Adaptation and Survival ILLUSTRATIONS Yu-Ri Hwang GR O • 9781641012119 Plants / Adaptation and Survival / Life Cycles 8½" x 11¾" / 40 pp / $18.99 / PB Informational Text Expository / Science Yun-Jeong Hong Las señales del cuerpo: salud y enfermedad The Body’s Signs: Health and Sickness ILLUSTRATIONS Ji-Ah Kim GR M • 9781641012157 Human Body / Health and Well-Being 10¾" x 8" / 32 pp / $17.99 / PB Informational Text Literary Nonfiction / Science Yeong-Jik Gwak Sólidos, líquidos y gases Solids, Liquids, and Gases ILLUSTRATIONS Sung-Hwa Jeong GR P • 9781641012171 Physical Science / Material 8¼" x 11¾" / 32 pp / $17.99 / PB Informational Text Expository / Science So Hyeon No soy floja: los órganos del cuerpo I’m Not Lazy: The Organs of the Body ILLUSTRATIONS Eun-Yeong Cho GR P • 9781641012164 Human Body / Health and Well-Being 8¼" x 10¼" / 32 pp / $17.99 / PB Informational Text Literary Nonfiction / Science Mi-Gyeong Kim El viaje del polen: la reproducción de las plantas Adventures of Pollen: Plant Reproduction ILLUSTRATIONS Yeong-Rim Lee GR M • 9781641012140 Plants / Adaptation and Survival / Life Cycles 10¾" x 8" / 32 pp / $17.99 / PB Informational Text Expository / Science Hyeong-Suk Kim Tomemos en cuenta los sentidos Let’s Talk about the Senses ILLUSTRATIONS Gyeong-Ju Hong GR M • 9781641012188 Senses and Sensations / Human Body 9" x 9¼" / 32 pp / $17.99 / PB Informational Text Literary Nonfiction / Science Click Click: Ciencia Básica series 87 AUTHENTIC TITLE AWARD-WINNER E-BOOK AVAILABLE BACKLIST Short Stories • 2–5