Books for Children and Young Adults in Spanish 2023

Sergio Aguirre La venganza de la vaca The Cow’s Revenge ILLUSTRATIONS N/A GR N/A • 9789587765007 Friendship / Mysteries and Detective Stories / Solidarity 5⅜" x 8¼" / 128 pp / $16.99 / PB Literary Narrative / Novel / Realistic Fiction / Mysteries José Agustín La panza del Tepozteco Tepozteco’s Belly ILLUSTRATIONS Tino GR V • 9786070131288 Mexicans and Mexican Americans / Ecology / Travel 5" x 8" / 118 pp / $13.95 / PB Literary Narrative / Novel / Historical Fiction / Adventures AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR Ignacio Manuel Altamirano Clemencia Clemencia ILLUSTRATIONS N/A GR N/A • 9789580471059 Mexicans and Mexican Americans / Love and Romance / Military and Wars 5⅜" x 8¼" / 227 pp / $19.99 / PB Literary Narrative / Novel / Romance / Classics Jaime Alfonso Sandoval Operativo nini Operation Nini ILLUSTRATIONS N/A GR N/A • 9789587764963 Work / Coming of Age / Humor 5⅜" x 8¼" / 288 pp / $16.99 / PB Literary Narrative / Novel / Realistic Fiction Anonymous Las grandes hazañas del Cid Campeador: cantar de Mío Cid The Great Deeds of the Cid: A Poem ILLUSTRATIONS N/A GR N/A • 9789584524577 Action and Adventure / Heroes / Family 5½" x 8¼" / 128 pp / $19.99 / PB Literary Poetry / Epic Poems / Classics Anonymous Lazarillo de Tormes Lazarillo of Tormes ILLUSTRATIONS N/A GR N/A • 9789580469674 Social Class / Cruelty / Disabilities 5⅜" x 8¼" / 105 pp / $19.99 / PB Literary Narrative / Novel / Classics César Arístides Es herida que duele y no se siente (Antología de poemas de amor de la literatura universal) A Wound That Aches Yet Isn’t Felt (Anthology of Love Poems in World Literature) ILLUSTRATIONS N/A GR N/A • 9786070134289 Love and Romance / Feelings and Emotions 5½" x 8½" / 264 pp / $14.95 / PB Literary Poetry / Anthology / Various Subgenres César Arístides Mañanas de escuela School Mornings ILLUSTRATIONS Paulina Barraza G. GR N/A • 9786080132995 School Stories / Family / Friendship 5¼" x 8" / 100 pp / $16.95 / PB Literary Poetry / Various Subgenres 151 AUTHENTIC TITLE AWARD-WINNER E-BOOK AVAILABLE BACKLIST Young Adults • 8–12