2022 New Release Catalog - Children and Young Adult - Books in Spanish

enes 2 minutos? es el tiempo que toma tirse en superhéroe. mos superhéroes que n el plástico y ayuden r nuestros océanos. ibro y descubre cómo es convertirte en un héroe en 2 minutos minutesuperhero). DOREY•WESSON MART IN DOREY I LUS T RADO POR T IM WE S SON Cómoserunsuperhéroeen2minutos 52 misiones para ayudar a salvar los océanos (#2minutesuperhero) 10/08/21 9:07 a. m. Martin Dorey Los niños contra el plástico Kids Fight Plastic ILLUSTRATIONS Tim Wesson GR R Habitats and Ecosystems / Ocean Life / Endangered Animals and Plants 9781543356540 6½" x 10" / 128 pp $24.99 / PB Informational Text Expository / Social Studies Read this book and find out how you can become a superhero in 2 minutes. In this practical guide to 50 heroic missions, you will find an essential tool to fight against the irresponsible use of plastic at home, at school and even at parties! This informative title was written by Martin Dorey, anti-plastic activist, author of the bestseller No. More. Plastic and founder of the #2minutebeachclean movement. AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR 14 2-7 Middle Grade Readers WWW. LOQUELEO.COM/US MIDDLE GRADE READERS