72 Instructor’s Manual • Lesson Two Section Goals In En pantalla , students will: • read about academic calendars in Spanish- speaking countries • watch a promotional video for Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago , UTESA , an university in the Dominican Republic KEY STANDARDS Communication Interpersonal Communication (Conversación); Interpretive Communication (Comprensión); Presentational Communication (Aplicación) Introduction Have students compare the academic calendars in Spanish-speaking countries with their state and their country. Antes de ver Show the clip a few times and ask students to write down the words they can. Ask them to rely on cognates and words they have learned so far. Then have them compare their notes with a classmate and then with the entire class. How many words were they able to get correctly? Conversación • Have the students as a class brainstorm verbs in the infinitive that they can use to complete the sentence. Provide them with additional vocabulary if necessary. • Available online as Partner Chat . Aplicación Once a few students have presented their descriptions, ask the class to complete a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences they found. TEACHING OPTIONS ¡Bienvenido a clases! Have small groups prepare a short wel- come speech for their classmates. Each group member should say at least one sentence, using the video as a model. Ex: Este año / Esta clase es una oportunidad para… Heritage Speakers Ask heritage speakers in the class to describe a typical school experience in their culture. Which aspects do they find to be significantly different from the experience of their current school and classmates? Which do they find to be similar? Why might these differences and similarities exist? 72 Lección 2 setenta y dos El regreso a clases es una nueva oportunidad... Es estar cada vez más cerca de lograr mis sueños... ¡Bienvenido a clases! Anuncio de Universidad UTESA En pantalla Calendarios In South America, the academic year stars in March and ends in December, with the exception of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Colombia. These three countries have different calendars depending on the region, but the most common is for the year to go from late-January to early-December, with a period of vacation in June-July and a few short breaks in between. Universities tend to break their calendars in either semesters or terms of three ( trimestres ) or four ( cuatrimestres ) months. Vocabulario útil el camino conocer/el conocimiento hacia lograr moldear el regreso los sueños path to know/knowledge towards to achieve to shape return dreams Preparación Answer in English: What are your goals at the beginning of each academic year? What do you feel excited about at the start of each academic year? Comprensión Check the expressions that you hear in the video. Para mí, el regreso a clases es una nueva oportunidad para… adquirir conocimientos conocer a los profesores conocer nuevos compañeros lograr mis sueños Conversación Complete this sentence with two to three phrases that re ect your opinion. Para mí, el regreso a clases es una nueva oportunidad de ____ / ____ / ____. Share your responses with a partner. Aplicación Describe your school calendar and vacations. Then research and describe the same for a Spanish-speaking culture. Include the following elements: at what age students start school, the first and last days of the school year, and the dates of school vacations. ✔ ✔ ✔ Answers will vary. Communicative Goal: Discuss academic calendars in my own and other cultures I CAN discuss academic calendars in my own and other cultures.
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