Estructura 65 65 sesenta y cinco En la universidad Práctica y Comunicación Baloncesto Provide these basketball scores in Spanish. 1. Ohio State 76, Michigan 65 2. Florida 92, Florida State 104 3. Stanford 83, UCLA 89 4. Purdue 81, Indiana 78 5. Princeton 67, Harvard 55 6. Duke 115, Virginia 121 Completar Following the pattern, write out the missing numbers in Spanish. 1. 50, 150, 250 ... 1.050 2. 5.000, 20.000, 35.000 ... 95.000 3. 100.000, 200.000, 300.000 ... 1.000.000 4. 100.000.000, 90.000.000, 80.000.000 ... 0 Resolver Solve the math problems. Write out the numbers in Spanish. 200 + 300 = Doscientos más trescientos son quinientos. modelo 1. 1.000 + 753 = 2. 1.000.000 – 30.000 = 3. 10.000 + 555 = 4. 15 + 150 = 5. 100.000 + 205.000 = 6. 29.000 – 10.000 = Los números de teléfono Write a list of telephone numbers that are important to you. Write out the numbers. Síntesis Preguntas With a partner, ask each other questions that require numbers in the answers. The questions could be about phone numbers, the number of people in your city or state, the year you finish college, etc. Estudiante 1: ¿Cuándo terminas la universidad? Estudiante 2: Termino la universidad en dos mil diecinueve. modelo 1 1. setenta y seis, sesenta y cinco 2. noventa y dos, ciento cuatro 3. ochenta y tres, ochenta y nueve 4. ochenta y uno, setenta y ocho 5. sesenta y siete, cincuenta y cinco 6. ciento quince, ciento veintiuno 2 seiscientos cincuenta, setecientos cincuenta, ochocientos cincuenta, novecientos cincuenta trescientos cincuenta, cuatrocientos cincuenta, quinientos cincuenta, cincuenta mil, sesenta y cinco mil, ochenta mil cuatrocientos mil, quinientos mil, seiscientos mil, setecientos mil, ochocientos mil, novecientos mil cincuenta millones, cuarenta millones, treinta millones, veinte millones, diez millones setenta millones, sesenta millones, 3 Mil más setecientos cincuenta y tres son mil setecientos cincuenta y tres. Un millón menos treinta mil son novecientos setenta mil. Diez mil más quinientos cincuenta y cinco son diez mil quinientos cincuenta y cinco. Quince más ciento cincuenta son ciento sesenta y cinco. Cien mil más doscientos cinco mil son trescientos cinco mil. Veintinueve mil menos diez mil son diecinueve mil. 4 Answers will vary. 5 Answers will vary. + → más – → menos = → son AYUDA ▲ modelo mi celular: 635-1951 seis-tres-cinco-diecinueve-cincuenta y uno I CAN solve math problems and tell the years of important events in Spanish. 1 Expansion In pairs, have each student write three additional basketball scores and dictate them to his or her partner, who writes them down. 2 Teaching Tip To simplify, have students identify the pattern of each sequence. Ex: 1. Add one hundred. 3 Expansion To challenge students, have them create four additional math problems for a partner to solve. 4 Recycling numbers 0–30 from Lección 1 4 Expansion Have pairs continue practicing by dictating the phone numbers they wrote down to each other. 4 Online Class Tip Create and assign a composition activity where students write out important phone numbers related to your institution. (Ex: student computer help desk, library services, counseling services, etc.) 5 Teaching Tips • If this is the first time stu­ dents are completing an activity from the Activity Pack, explain that they will need a handout. • Divide the class into pairs and distribute the handouts for the activity ¿A qué distancia…? from the online Resources (Lección 2/Activity Pack/ Information Gap Activities). Ask students to read the instructions and give them ten minutes to complete the activity. Have volunteers report their findings to the class. 5 Partner Chat Available online. TEACHING OPTIONS Small Groups In groups of three or four, ask students to think of a city or town within a 100mile radius of the university. Have them find out the distance in miles ( Está a ____ millas de la universidad. ) and what other cities or towns are nearby ( Está cerca de… ). Then have groups read their descriptions for the class to guess. Also, you can use the Forums tool to facilitate an asynchronous version of this activity. Have students post their descriptions and respond to their classmates' posts by guessing the cities or towns. Game Ask for two volunteers and station them at opposite ends of the board so neither one can see what the other is writing. Say a number for them to write on the board. If both students are correct, continue to give numbers until one writes an incorrect number. The winner continues on to play against another student.