Lectura Lectura Students have the possibility of listening to native speakers as auto-sync highlighting of sentences guides their eyes. This helps to address different learning styles. Adelante provides students with an opportunity to build their communication skills through extended reading, writing, listening, speaking, and cultural exploration activities. Through contextualized task-based assignments, scaffolded video activities, and culturally rich language input, students learn to express themselves in the target language. Lectura develops reading skills in the context of the lesson theme. Each reading selection recycles the vocabulary and grammar students have studied and provides valuable target language input. Students learn to apply reading strategies to improve their comprehension. Estrategia features reading strategies and pre-reading activities that strengthen students’ reading abilities in Spanish. Después de leer activities include comprehension checks and post-reading expansion exercises. See Implementation Guides for additional instructional support 68 Instructor’s Manual • Lesson Two Section Goals In Lectura , students will: • learn to use text formats to predict content • read documents in Spanish KEY STANDARDS Communication Interpretive Communication (Cognados, Examinar el texto, ¿Cierto o falso?) Connections Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives (Teaching options) Comparisons Language Comparisons (Cognados) Estrategia Introduce the strategy. Point out that many documents have easily identifiable formats that can help readers predict content. Have students look at the document in the Estrategia box, and ask them to name the recognizable elements: (days of the week, time, classes). Ask what kind of document it is (a student’s weekly schedule). Cognados Have pairs of students scan ¡Español en Madrid! and identify cognates and guess their meanings. Examinar el texto Ask students what type of information is contained in ¡Español en Madrid! (It is a brochure for an intensive Spanish-language summer program.) Discuss elements of the recognizable format that helped them predict the content, such as the headings, the lists of courses, and the course schedule with dates. TEACHING OPTIONS Extra Practice For homework, ask students to write a weekly schedule ( horario semanal ) of a friend or family member. Ask them to label the days of the week in Spanish and add notes for that person’s appointments and activities as well. In class, ask students questions about the schedules they wrote. Ex: ¿Qué clase toma _____ hoy? ¿Trabaja _____ manaña? ¿Cuántos días trabaja _____ esta semana? Heritage Speakers Ask heritage speakers who have attended a school in the Spanish-speaking world to describe their schedule there, comparing and contrasting it with their schedule now. Invite them to make other comparisons between U.S. or Canadian institutions and those in the Spanish-speaking world. adelante 2 Después de leer Correspondencias Provide the letter of each item in Column B that matches the words in Column A. 1. profesores 2. vivienda 3. Madrid 4. número de teléfono 5. Español 2B a. (34) 91 523 4500 b. (34) 91 524 0210 c. 23 junio–30 julio d. capital cultural de Europa e. 16 junio–22 julio f. especializados en enseñar español como lengua extranjera g. familias españolas A B f g d a c Lectura Antes de leer Estrategia Predicting content through formats Recognizing the format of a document can help you to predict its content. For instance, invitations, greeting cards, and classified ads follow an easily identifiable format, which usually gives you a general idea of the information they contain. Look at the text and identify it based on its format. If you guessed that this is a page from a student’s schedule, you are correct. You can now infer that the document contains information about a student’s weekly schedule, including days, times, and activities. Cognados Make a list of the cognates in the text and guess their English meanings. What do cognates reveal about the content of the document? Examinar el texto Look at the format of the document entitled ¡Español en Madrid! What type of text is it? What information do you expect to find in this type of document? ¡ E S PAÑOL EN MADR I D ! Programa de Cursos Intensivos de Español Universidad Autónoma de España UAE 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 lunes biología inglés arte martes historia miércoles biología inglés arte jueves historia viernes biología inglés arte Communicative Goal: Read a document, using its format to understand the content IM-40 68 Instructor’s Manual • Lesson Two Section Goals In Lectura , students will: • learn to use t xt formats to predict ontent • read ocuments in Spanish KEY STANDARDS Com unication I terp etive Com unication (Cognados, Examinar el texto, ¿Cierto o falso?) Connections Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives (Teaching options) Comparisons Language Comparisons (Cognados) Estrategia Introduce the strategy. Point out that many documents have asily identifiable formats that can help readers predict ontent. Have students look at the document in the Estrategia box, and ask them to name the recognizable l ments: (days of the week, time, classe ). Ask what kind of document i s (a student’s weekly schedule). Cognados Have pairs of students can ¡Español en Madrid! and i entify cognates and guess their meani gs. Examinar el texto Ask students what type of information is contained in ¡Español en Madrid! (It is a brochure for an i tensive Spanish-language sum er program.) Discuss el ments of the recognizable format that helped them predict the content, such as the headings, the list of course , and the course schedule with dates. TEACHING OPTIONS Extra Practi e For homework, ask students o write a weekly schedule ( hora io seman l ) of a friend or family member. Ask them to label the days of the week in Spanish and add notes for that person’s appointments and activities as well. In class, ask students questions about the schedules they wrote. Ex: ¿Qué clase toma __ hoy? ¿Trab j __ man ñ ? ¿Cuántos días trab j __ esta seman ? Heritage Speakers Ask heritage speakers who have attende a school in the Spanish-speaking world to describe their schedule ther , comparing and contrasting it with t eir schedule now. Invite them to make other comparisons between U.S or Can dian i stitu ions and those in the Spanish-speaking world. a ela te 2 Después de le r Correspondencias Provide the l tter of each item in Column B that matches the words in Column A. 1. profesores 2. vi enda 3. Madrid 4. número de t léfon 5. Español 2B a. (34) 91 523 450 b. (34) 91 524 0210 c. 23 junio–30 julio d. capital cultural de Europa e. 16 junio–2 julio f. especializados en enseñar español como lengua extranjera g. familias españolas A B f g d a c t r Antes de le r Estrategia Predicting content hrough formats Recogniz ng the format of a document can help you to predict i s content. For instance, invita ions, greeting cards, and classified ads foll w an easily identifiable format, which us ally gives you a gen ral idea of the information they contain. Lo k at the t xt and identify it based on its format. If you guessed that this a page from a student’s chedule, you are correct. You can ow infer that the document contains information about a student’s weekly schedule, including days, times, and activ ties. Cognados Make a list of the cognates in the text and guess their English meani gs. What do cognates rev al about the content of the document? Examinar el texto Lo k at the format of the document entitled ¡Español en Madrid! What type of text is it? What information do you expect to find in this type of document? ¡ E S PAÑOL EN MADR I D ! Programa de Curso Intensivos de Español Universidad Autónoma de España 8:30 9:00 9:30 10: 0 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 lunes biol gía inglés arte martes historia miércoles biol gía inglés arte juev s historia viernes biol gía inglés arte Com unicative Goal: Read a document, using its format to understand the content S-36
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