IAE-36 ¡Viva! was written with the concerns and philosophy of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines in mind, incorporating a proficiency-oriented approach from its planning stages. The pedagogy of ¡Viva! was also informed by the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century published by ACTFL in 1996. The National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project established the Standards, which are organized into five goal areas. Since ¡Viva! takes a communicative approach to the teaching and learning of Spanish, the Communication goal is central to the student text. For example, the diverse formats used in Práctica y conversación —pair work, surveys, task-based, and so forth—engage students in meaningful exchanges of information and expressions of feelings and emotions. The Cultures goal is most evident in the Exploración and ¡Vivan los países hispanos! sections. In keeping with the Connections goal, students can connect with other disciplines such as geography, history, fine arts, and science in the ¡Vivan los países hispanos! section; they can acquire information and recognize distinctive cultural viewpoints in the non-literary and literary texts of the Lectura sections. Students can work toward the Connections and Communities goals when they complete the Exploración and ¡Vivan los países hispanos! sections’ Conexión Internet activities on the ¡Viva! Supersite. In addition, special Standards annos appear on the student text pages of your IAE to call out activities that have a particularly strong relationship with the Standards. These are a few examples of how ¡Viva! was written with the Standards firmly in mind, but you will find many more as you use the textbook and its ancillaries. ¡VIVA! ANDTHE WORLD-READINESS STANDARDS FOR LEARNING LANGUAGES GOAL Exchange information about my classes 2 PREPARACIÓN Las clases el laboratorio laboratory la cafetería cafeteria la librería bookstore la residencia estudiantil dormitory el salón de clases classroom LA UNIVERSIDAD Vocabulary Tools KEY STANDARDS Práctica y conversación: Communication Interpersonal Communication (Activity 4); Interpretive Communication (Activity 1, 2) GOALS Listen to a short con Lección 2 Ampliación 1 Escuchar A Listen to Armando and Julia’s conversation TIP Listen for cognates. Cognates are w in two or more languages. Listening comprehension. 1 SCRIPT For the script, go to the Supersite. KEY STANDARDS Ampliación: Communication Interpersonal Communication (Activity 2); Interpretive Communication (Activity 1); Presentational Communication (Activity 3, 4) Comparisons Cultural Comparisons (Activity 5) Communities School and Global Communities (Activity 3, 4) STANDARDS 8