LECTURA 2 GOAL Read a document, using its format to understand the content Antes de leer The format of a document can tell you a lot about it. TIP Predict content through formats. Recognizing the format of a document can help you to predict its content. For instance, invitations and classified ads follow an easily identifiable format, which usually gives you a general idea of the information they contain. Examina el texto Look at the format of the document on this page. What type of text is it? What information do you expect to find in this type of document? Cognados With a classmate, make a list of cognates in the text and guess their English meanings. What do the cognates reveal about the content of the document? Piénsalo If you guessed that this text is a brochure from a university, you are correct. You can now infer that the document contains information on departments, courses, and the university campus. 42 cuarenta y dos LA MEJOR ° UNIVERSIDAD DE EUROPA Universidad Autónoma de España UAE Audio: Reading Additional Reading