GOAL Ask and answer questions about activities GRAMÁTICA 2 Common –ar verbs estudiar (to study) 2.1 The present tense of regular –ar verbs To create the forms of regular verbs, drop the infinitive endings ( –ar, –er, –ir ). Then add the endings that correspond to the different subject pronouns. This chart shows how to conjugate regular –ar verbs. The Spanish present tense has several meanings in English. Note the following examples. Ana trabaja en la cafetería. Paco viaja a Madrid mañana. Ana works in the cafeteria. Paco travels to Madrid tomorrow. Ana is working in the cafeteria. Paco is traveling to Madrid tomorrow. Ana does work in the cafeteria. Paco does travel to Madrid tomorrow. Using verbs in Spanish When two verbs are used together with no change of subject, the second verb is generally in the infinitive. Deseo hablar con Felipe. Necesito comprar lápices. I want to speak with Felipe. I need to buy pencils. To make a sentence negative, use no before the conjugated verb. Yo no miro la televisión. Ella no desea bailar. I don’t watch TV. She doesn’t want to dance. Subject pronouns are often omitted; the verb endings indicate who the subject is. ¿Habl as español? No, no habl o español. Do you speak Spanish? No, I don’t speak Spanish. 32 treinta y dos ¡Llego tarde! ¡Llevas el casco, Sara! yo estudio I study tú estudias you (fam.) study Ud./él/ella estudia you (form.) study; he/she studies nosotros/as estudiamos we study vosotros/as estudiáis you (pl.) study Uds./ellos/ellas estudian you (pl.) study; they study bailar to dance buscar to look for caminar to walk cantar to sing comprar to buy contestar to answer conversar to talk; to chat descansar to rest desear to want; to wish dibujar to draw enseñar to teach escuchar to listen (to) esperar to wait (for); to hope estudiar to study explicar to explain hablar to talk; to speak llegar to arrive llevar to carry mirar to look (at); to watch necesitar to need practicar to practice preguntar to ask (a question) preparar to prepare regresar to return terminar to end; to finish tomar to take; to drink trabajar to work viajar to travel Tutorial