IAE-32 INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES • Activity Pack The Activity Pack contains Info Gap Activities and Worksheet activities. In addition, many closed-ended activities for each lesson’s vocabulary and grammar are included here, along with a plethora of communicative activities. New to the Fifth Edition, Task-based activities can be used in class or as an assessment. • SAM Answer Key This supplement contains the answers to all activities with discrete responses in the Student Activities Manual. • Other resources On the Supersite you will find files for the lab and textbook audioscripts, videoscripts and translations for all four video programs, and Vocabulario adicional . • Digital Image Bank including maps of Spanish-speaking countries, illustrations to reinforce the textbook’s Preparación vocabulary sections, presentations for each grammar point in Gramática , and other textbook illustrations, as well as an Illustration Bank with thematically organized images correlated to each lesson's theme. • Testing Program The Testing Program contains listening scripts, answer keys, and suggestions for oral tests in DOCX files. Nombre _______________________________ _______________ Fecha _________________ _____ © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reser ved. | 4 | Lección 2 Comunicación Estudiante 2 2 Information Gap Activity Your partner has the information you are missin g about Pedro. Based on the cues, ask him or her the correct questions. Take notes in both the Preguntas and Respuestas columns, because you will need to reconstruct all the infor mation at the end. Your partner starts. Modelo Estudiante 1 sees: ¿Quién (ser) Pedro? Estudiante 2 sees: estudiante/biología/periodismo Estudiante 1 says: ¿Quién es Pedro? Estudiante 2 says: Pedro es un estudiante de biología y periodis mo. Now, write a summary of everything you have le arned about Pedro on a separate sheet of paper. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES 4