Las clases treinta y uno 31 ACTIVIDADES 1 ¿Cierto o falso? Indicate whether each statement is cierto or falso . Correct the false statements. 1. Students in Spanish-speaking countries must pay large amounts of money toward their college tuition. 2. After studying at a colegio , students receive their bachillerato . 3. Undergraduates study at a colegio or a universidad . 4. In Latin America and Spain, students usually choose their majors in their second year at the university. 5. In Mexico, the bachillerato involves specialized study. 6. In Spain, majors depend on entrance exam scores. 2 Preguntas Answer the questions. 1. Why are there large enrollments at public universities in Spain and Latin America? 2. What is a bachelor’s degree called in Spanish? 3. How long does it take to earn a bachelor’s degree in Peru? 4. What is the country of origin of the largest group of Spanish-speaking students studying at U.S. universities? 3 Comparación Compare choosing a major in Spain or Latin America with choosing a major at your college or university. 4 Esta universidad In pairs, research a Spanish or Latin American university online and find five statistics about that institution (total enrollment, majors offered, number of departments/schools). Using this information, role-play a conversation between a prospective student and a university representative. Los estudios 1 Preparación What is the name of your school or university? What degree program are you in? What classes are you taking this semester? 2 El video Watch this Flash cultura episode about a university in Mexico City. Vocabulario ¿Qué estudias? ¿Cuál es tu materia favorita? carrera (de medicina) derecho What do you study? What is your favorite subject? (medical) degree law ¿Conoces algún…? Do you know any…? ¿Conoces algún° profesor famoso que dé clases… en la UNAM? 3 Emparejar Match the phrases to form sentences. 1. En la UNAM no hay 2. La UNAM tiene ( has ) 3. La UNAM ofrece a. profesores famosos. b. 74 carreras de estudio. c. residencias estudiantiles. 4 Conversación With a partner, role-play a conversation between two students at UNAM. I CAN identify practices related to choosing a major in my own and other cultures. I CAN interact at a survival level in some familiar everyday contexts. Video