IAE-27 ¡VIVA! AT-A-GLANCE Lectura supports the development of reading skills in the context of the lesson theme. Communicative goal This feature lets you know what you will be able to do in Spanish . Antes de leer This feature presents helpful strategies and pre-reading activities to build your reading abilities in Spanish . Readings The selections are specifically related to the lesson theme and recycle the vocabulary and grammar you have learned . Lecciones 13–16 feature literary selections by well-known authors . Después de leer Exercises check your comprehension of the reading . Coméntalo Activities encourage you to discuss the reading from your own perspective . Can-Do Statement This feature shows you what you are now able to do in Spanish . • Audio-sync reading that highlights text as it is being read • Textbook activities • Additional reading • Additional online-only practice activities LECTURA 2 GOAL Read a document, using its format to understand the content Antes de leer The format of a document can tell you a lot about it . TIP Predict content through formats. Recognizing the format of a document can help you to predict its content . For instance, invitations and classified ads follow an easily identifiable format, which usually gives you a general idea of the information they contain . Examina el texto Look at the format of the document on this page . What type of text is it? What information do you expect to find in this type of document? Cognados With a classmate, make a list of cognates in the text and guess their English meanings . What do the cognates reveal about the content of the document? Piénsalo If you guessed that this text is a brochure from a university, you are correct . You can now infer that the document contains information on departments, courses, and the university campus . 42 cuarenta y dos LA MEJOR ° UNIVERSIDAD DE EUROPA Universidad Autónoma de España UAE Audio: Reading Additional Reading Las clases mejor best derecho law facultad academic department aplicada applied antigua ancient cuarenta y tres 43 Después de leer ¿Comprendiste? Indicate whether each statement is cierto ( true ) or falso ( false ) . Cierto Falso 1. La Universidad Autónoma de España está en Europa . 2. En la UAE hay diez facultades . 3. Filosofía y Letras es un curso . 4. Hay cursos de literatura china en la UAE . 5. Hay una facultad de psicología en la UAE . 6. La UAE está en Málaga, España . Preguntas Answer these questions using complete sentences. 1. ¿Hay clases de contabilidad en la UAE? 2. ¿Es posible estudiar medicina en la UAE? 3. ¿En qué facultad hay clases de economía general? 4. ¿En qué facultad hay clases de microbiología? 5. ¿En qué facultad hay clases de literatura española? Coméntalo Look at the brochure of the Universidad Autónoma de España and identify the courses taught there. Does your university offer the same courses? Are you taking any of those courses? Would you be interested in studying at the UAE? Why? I CAN read and understand key details in an ad for a university . En el campus de la UAE hay ocho facultades: • Ciencias • Derecho ° • Medicina • Psicología • Filosofía y Letras • Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales • Escuela Técnica Superior de Computación • Facultad ° de Formación de Profesorado y Educación Toma cursos de: • Antropología Aplicada ° • Computación • Contabilidad • Derecho Privado • Ecología • Economía General • Filosofía Antigua ° • Física General • Geografía • Historia Contemporánea • Literatura Española • Matemáticas • Microbiología • Psicología Social • Química • Sociología ¡La UAE está cerca de ti! Calle del Valle de Mena 95 • 28039 Madrid, ESPAÑA Teléfono: (34) 91.754.87.25 • www.uae.edu.es INICIAMOS LAS CLASES EN SEPTIEMBRE