IAE-26 ¡VIVA! AT-A-GLANCE Gramática emphasizes listening, writing, and speaking in Ampliación . Communicative goals This feature lets you know what you will be able to do in Spanish . Escuchar A recorded conversation or narration develops your listening skills in Spanish and checks your understanding of what you heard . Valuable on-the-spot listening tips offer support . Conversar Your oral communication skills are developed through realistic, practical role-plays and situations . Escribir A writing topic and plan take you step-by-step through the writing process, including planning, writing a first draft, peer review, and correcting your work . Valuable writing strategies (tips) offer support . Un paso más This project guides you to research and create a tangible product such as a brochure or a web page or else give a presentation about a certain topic . Cultura A new activity related to the lesson theme and culture . Can-Do Statements This section has several Can-Do Statements, which show you what you are now able to accomplish in Spanish . • Textbook activities • Streaming video of TV Clip in every lesson • Chat activities for conversational skill-building and oral practice • Conexión Internet activity with questions and key words related to lesson theme GOALS Listen to a short conversation, and interview a classmate Lección 2 40 cuarenta Ampliación 1 Escuchar A Listen to Armando and Julia’s conversation. Then list the classes each person is taking. TIP Listen for cognates. Cognates are words that have similar spellings and meanings in two or more languages. Listening for cognates will help you increase your comprehension. Julia Armando 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. B ¿Cuántas clases toman Armando y Julia? ¿Cuántas clases tomas tú? ¿Qué clases te gustan y qué clases no te gustan? 2 Conversar Greet a classmate, find out how he or she is, and get to know your classmate better by asking these questions. I CAN use known and familiar words to understand a short conversation about classes and instructors. I CAN greet a classmate and find out basic information about him/her. • ¿Cómo te llamas? • ¿De dónde eres? • ¿Qué clases tomas? •¿Qué clases te gustan? •¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en tu (your) clase de...? • ¿Cuántas horas estudias durante (during) la semana? • ¿Dónde estudias normalmente (usually)? Video: TV Clip 2 1 GOALS Write a self description, and create a poster promoting study abroad Las clases cuarenta y uno 41 UNIVERSIDAD DE ANDALUCÍA El futuro en tus manos Hola! Me llamo Alicia Roberts. Estudio matemáticas en la Universidad de Nueva York... inicio perfil 3 Escribir Write a description of yourself to post on a website in order to meet Spanish-speaking people. TIP Brainstorm. Spend ten to fifteen minutes jotting down ideas about the topic you are going to write about. The more ideas you write down, the more you’ll have to choose from later when you start to organize your thoughts. 4 Un paso más Create a poster that will encourage students to study at a university in a Spanish-speaking country. The poster might include these elements: • A title • Photos of university locations • A campus map • A short summary of the university’s programs • A list of activities and sports that you can participate in at the university • Photos of the town where the university is located • A brief description of the town where the university is located 5 Cultura Compare your school with a university in a Spanish-speaking country: the university you researched for your poster, UNAM, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid , or another school. Consider location, facilities, the number of students, academic departments, etc. Compartir Make a list of things you would like people to know about you, including your name, your major, where you go to school, what you’re studying, where you work, and your likes and dislikes. Using the material you have compiled, write the first draft. Exchange papers with a classmate and comment on the organization, style, and grammatical correctness of each other’s work. Then revise your first draft, keeping your classmate’s comments in mind. Read your descriptions aloud in small groups. Point out the three best features of each description. Escribir Organize Corregir I CAN write a short description of myself and my preferences to post online. I CAN create a poster encouraging students to study abroad. 3 3 4 26