Instructor Resources Instructor’s Annotated Edition This edition of Sueña contains tips, suggestions, ideas for expansion, and more, all conveniently overprinted on the Student Edition page. Online Instructor’s Edition Available on the Supersite for anytime access, with teaching suggestions, annotations, and the ability to add notes. Supersite In addition to full access to the Student Supersite, the Instructor Supersite offers a robust course management system that allows you to assign and track student progress. Testing Program The Testing Program is delivered in editable DOCX format. It includes vocabulary and grammar quizzes ( Minipruebas ), lesson tests ( Pruebas ), mid-term and final exams ( Exámenes ), oral testing, optional testing, answer keys, and MP3 files. Other Resources Other resources available on the Supersite include a sample syllabus and a sample lesson plan; scripts for the Video Virtual Chats and Lab Audio; scripts and translations for the Cortometraje films, Flash cultura episodes, and Cultura en pantalla TV clips; and teaching suggestions. Program Components Student Edition vText This virtual, interactive student edition provides a digital text, plus links to Supersite activities and media. WebSAM The Web Student Activities Manual consists of two parts: the Workbook and the Lab Manual . • Workbook The Workbook activities provide additional practice of the vocabulary and grammar for each textbook lesson. They also reinforce the content of the Sueña section. • Lab Manual The Lab Manual activities provide additional practice of the vocabulary and grammar of each lesson. They also revisit the Literatura reading. Completely integrated with the Supersite, the WebSAM provides instant feedback and grading for select activities. The complete audio program is accessible online in the Lab Manual . Supersite The Supersite gives you access to a wide variety of activities for each section of every lesson, including auto-graded activities for extra practice with vocabulary, grammar, video, and cultural content; reference tools; the Cultura en pantalla TV clips; the short films, Flash cultura videos; and News and Cultural Updates. IAE-28 RESOURCES S-2