Many non-reflexive verbs change meaning when they are used with a reflexive pronoun and might not literally express a reflexive action. aller to go amuser to amuse apercevoir to catch sight of attendre to wait (for) demander to ask douter to doubt ennuyer to bother entendre to hear mettre to put servir to serve tromper to deceive s’en aller to go away s’amuser to have fun s’apercevoir to realize s’attendre à to expect se demander to wonder se douter de to suspect s’ennuyer to get bored s’entendre bien avec to get along with se mettre à to begin se servir de to use se tromper to be mistaken A number of verbs are used only in the reflexive form but may not literally express a reflexive action. se méfier de to distrust se moquer de to make fun of se souvenir de to remember se taire to be quiet Form the affirmative imperative of a reflexive verb by adding the reflexive pronoun at the end of the verb with a hyphen in between. For negative commands, begin with ne and place the reflexive pronoun immediately before the verb. Habillons-nous. Il faut partir! Let’s get dressed. We have to leave! Ne vous inquiétez pas. Don’t worry. Remember to change te to toi in affirmative commands. Repose-toi avant de sortir ce soir. Rest before going out tonight. Tais-toi! Be quiet! In reciprocal reflexives, the pronoun means (to ) each other or (to ) one another . Because two or more subjects are involved, only plural verb forms are used. Nous nous retrouvons au restaurant. We are meeting each other at the restaurant. Elles s’écrivent des e-mails. They write one another e-mails. Use l’un(e) l’autre and l’un(e) à l’autre , or their plural forms les un(e)s les autres and les un(e)s aux autres , to emphasize that an action is reciprocal. Béa et Yves se regardent. Béa and Yves look at each other. Béa and Yves look at themselves. Ils s’envoient des e-mails. They send each other e-mails. They send themselves e-mails. Béa et Yves se regardent l’un l’autre . Béa and Yves look at each other. Ils s’envoient des e-mails les uns aux autres . They send each other e-mails. but but BLOC-NOTES Commands with non- reflexive verbs are formed the same way as those with reflexive verbs. See Fiche de grammaire 1.5, p. A6, for a review of the imperative. BLOC-NOTES The pronoun se can also be used with verbs in the third person to express the passive voice. See Fiche de grammaire 10.5, p. A42. 53 La gastronomie et le patrimoine culinaire LEÇON 2
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