42 cuarenta y dos TAREA FINAL Su ciudad ideal What is your ideal city like? How are the real-life problems you see in your actual city solved in this ideal place? In this project, you will create a city map, including the characteristics and features that would make it an ideal city. You will also identify problems in your current city and develop solutions to these problems. 1. Think: What is your ideal city like? List the characteristics of an ideal city and describe what it does and does not have. Use: Mi ciudad ideal es ... La ciudad (no) tiene ... La ciudad está ... Las personas son/La gente es ... 2. Compare your list with a partner. Talk about the problems your actual city faces or resources it lacks. Work together to categorize these problems and to propose solutions. Create a single list of your best ideas 3. Draw and label a map of your city. Research current urban or architecture design trends, such as innovation districts, blue zones, and eco-districts. Incorporate new trends and creative ideas into your city. 4. Write a description of your city, using the map as a guide. Present your ideal city, with the map, to the class. 2 A YO PUEDO... 1. Puedo hablar de la localización geográfica de una ciudad. Think of a city in your country and say how far it is from other cities or towns. 2. Puedo indicar la localización de mi vivienda. Tell where your home is. Mi casa 3. Puedo hablar de diferentes aspectos de una ciudad o un lugar. Talk about a city. Describe three interesting aspects. 4. Puedo indicar posesión o pertenencia. Name three of your favorite things in your city or neighborhood.