Unidad 2 Lección 2A Lección 2B Pati Jinich, el sabor mexicano en sus manos Juan Tomás, un taxista de Panamá ENTRE EL NORTE Y EL SUR Communicative Goals • Describe a city’s geographical characteristics • Say where your home is located • Comment on different aspects of a city or place • Say to whom something belongs • Project Develop and present a plan for an ideal city Contenido ¡Viva Guatemala! 36 Cerca de casa 38 Protagonista: Juan Tomás, un taxista de Panamá 40 Tarea final 42 Gramática funcional 2A.1 Indicate places 43 2A.2 Express quantities 43 2A.3 Indicate distances and intensify 43 2A.4 and 2A.5 Present and describe places 44 2A.6 Talk about your place of residence 44 2A.7 Express possession 44 2A.8 Express possession 44 Vocabulario 45 ESPECIALIDAD DE LA CASA Communicative Goals • Order meals in a restaurant • Talk about eating habits and how often you eat certain foods • Ask for the menu, the price, and the bill at a restaurant • Give an opinion about food • Project Develop and present a plan to improve an on-campus restaurant Contenido Café con leche 46 Menú del día 48 Protagonista: Pati Jinich, el sabor mexicano en sus manos 50 Tarea final 52 Gramática funcional 2B.1 Order and pay at a café 53 2B.2 Talk about daily meals 53 2B.3 Express frequency 53 2B.4 Order and pay at a restaurant 54 2B.5 Give your opinion on food 54 Vocabulario 55 Avance Estrategias 56 Competencias 57 Flash cultura: video “Los estudios” 58
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