Discover Phonics - PROGRAM SAMPLER

91 ✴ ★ ✦ ✴ ★ ✦ ✴ ★ ✦ ✴ ✦ • • ✴ ✦ • • ✴ ✦ • • Week Phonics Skill Sequence Word Study High-Frequency/ Sight Words Spelling Words Fluency 7 3-letter blends (stream, sprain, scrap) suffixes -y, -ly, -ily (scrappy, clearly, easily) any, ask, end, eyes, family, hand, kind, most, old, over clearly, family, happily, kind, lovely, most, nearly, old, over, scrap, scream, screech, simply, splash, splendid, sprain, spray, steadily, stream, stroll Accuracy 8 long o vowel pairs (oa, ow, oe, ew) (boat, low, toe, sew) syllable division with open syllables VCV (baby, robot, begin, relax) began, begin, below, both, follow, grow, off, own, show, song begin, boat, both, bow, float, flow, follow, grow, low, okay, open, parents, relax, row, sew, show, slowly, snow, toad, toe Intonation 9 silent letters and silent partners kn, mb, wr, sw, dge /j/, and gh /g/, /f/ (know, thumb, write, rough, sword, answer, high) VCV closed or open (robot, robin, zero) answer, enough, high, know, large, light, might, night, picture, right numb, know, knowledge, answer, large, write, swordfish, dodge, ghost, judge, limb, knight, wrestle, ridge, nudge, comb, rough, tough, cozy, cabin Volume & Stress 10 initial schwa / ә / [across, affect] VCCCV syllable division (hundred, substance, address, instant) above, along, around, last, late, left, let, list, mile, miss around, above, along, last, list, across, affect, ahead, address, instant, hundred, about, after, against, aside, award, awake, arrive, adult, alone Phrasing 11 r-controlled /ûr/ (burn, worker, her, girl, earn, earth) compound words after, girl, letter, next, sometimes, stop, turn, under, without, work burst, corner, curl, fern, first, fur, girl, her, marker, morning, order, shirt, stir, thirsty, water, work, sometimes, without, under, letter Rate 12 r-controlled /är/ (part, heart, are, alarm, awar) Inflections, change y to i (parties, bunnies, worries) car, far, father, hard, keep, seem, start, state, those, tree charmed, earth, marries, hard, harm, heart, jar, large, learn, farming, parking, smart, spark, star, starving, years, father, bunnies, worries, parties Accuracy 3 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE