Discover Phonics - PROGRAM SAMPLER
90 ✴ ★ ✦ ✴ ✴ ✦ • ✴ ✦ • • Week Phonics Skill Sequence Word Study High-Frequency/ Sight Words Spelling Words Fluency 1 short vowels a, e, i, o, u closed two-syllable words, VCCV (napkin, basket, rabbit) basket, bed, bump, bun, does, glad, house, kit, log, melt, mother, move, off,problem, rest, rug, slip, stop, sudden, want as, big, cat, fit, give,had, hats, hid, is, jam, live, mat, pat, pin, sad, sits Rate 2 long vowels spelled a, e, i, o, u; Soft c and g (he, hi, go, take, bite, pole, cute) VCe words (face, kite, cute, reptile, excuse, basement) came, change, close, here, home, life, page, place, take, where age, change, cute, here, huge, kite, mine, nice, note, page, pile, place, race, same, snake, stove, take, time, vote, where Accuracy 3 consonant digraphs ch, tch, ck, th, sh, ph, wh (phone, chase, which, shade) Inflections -s, -es, -ing children, earth, group, should, something, things, think, thought, through, watch bench, dishes, fish, itch, lunch, much, phone, places, plates, shade, something, taking, thick, think, thought, through, watch, whale, when, which Intonation 4 long a vowel pairs (ai, ay, ea, ei, ey, eigh) (wait, day, break, veil, they, sleigh) inflection -ed again, air, always, away, great, head, learn, mountains, play, say again, aim, always, away, break, day, eight, fixed, great, head, mail, played, say, sleigh, stay, they, trail, wait, way, weighed Volume & Stress 5 long e vowel pairs (ee, ea, ie, ey) [feet, bead, field, key] contractions between, eat, even, feet, hear, means, need, read, three, years alley, between, chief, deep, doesn't, even, field, green, key, least, leaves, means, please, seeds, team, they'll, they're, three, week, years Phrasing 6 long e spelled y and Long i spelled y (try, cry, happy, bunny, lucky, funny) syllable division in closed syllable words (nap/kin, bun/ny) carry, city, country, every, only, story, study, try, very, why body, city, copy, country, cry, every, fly, funny, happy, honey, jelly, lucky, messy, monkey, really, sixty, sky, story, very, windy Rate 2 GRADE 3 Scope and Sequence SCOPE AND SEQUENCE
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