Discover Phonics - PROGRAM SAMPLER
48 ✴ ★ ✦ ✴ ✴ ✦ • ✴ ✦ • • High-Frequency Words Introduce Display the fronts of the High-Frequency Word Cards came, change, close, here, home, life, page, place, take, where. Invite volunteers to read the words. Ask: What do you notice about these words? (They all end in e; most have the VCe pattern; most have long vowel sounds.) Challenge students to find and name: • the word with two consonants between the vowel and magic e ( change ) • two words in which the first vowel does not say its name ( here and where ) Read, Spell, Write, Extend Teach each word using the High-Frequency Word Cards and High-FrequencyWord Routine 1. • Read the sentence on the card. Point to the underlined word and read it aloud. Have students repeat the word. • Spell the word aloud and have students repeat. • Write the word, saying each letter aloud as you write it. Then have students write the word in the air as they say each letter aloud. Open Word Sorts Have students cut apart the BLM Practice Words on BLM 2.1–2.4 . Have pairs work together to sort the words into two or more categories of their choosing. For example, students may sort their words by vowel sounds or the number of letters in each word. Circulate and have individual students read the words in a category. ✦ SCAFFOLD If students incorrectly read a word even after self-correction, offer positive feedback followed by prescriptive strategies. For example, you might say: I noticed that you said the long vowel sound /ā/ in page . Good job. It’s a tricky word because of the letter g . Remember that some letters stand for more than one sound. The letter g stands for /g/ and /j/. You can try a different sound for the letter if the word doesn’t make sense the first time. ✺ AMPLIFY Have students explain how they sorted their words. Then challenge them to sort them in another way, for example, by the number of sounds in each word. Word Reading Fluency Display Worktext Page 9. Read aloud the words in the word lists and have students echo read. Boston, Massachusetts change PHO23_HFW_cards.indd 368 07/07/2021 20:30 Boston, Massachusetts where PHO23_HFW_cards.indd 262 07/07/2021 20:30 16 WEEK 2 • DAY 1 Week 2 DAY 1
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