Discover Phonics - PROGRAM SAMPLER

27 ★ ✦ ✶ ★ ✦ ✶ ★ ✦ ✶ ✦ • • ✶ ✦ • • ✶ ✦ • • Daily Writing Dictate these sentences and have children write them. • The cat is hot. • A hat can fit. Use the Writing Routine to guide children to make corrections. Give children time to make each correction. Ask: • Does the sentence begin with an uppercase letter? • Does the sentence end with punctuation, such as a period? • Did you write all the words in the sentence? (Repeat the sentence aloud as children count.) • Is the word the spelled correctly? T, h, e, the. The cat is hot. A hat can fit. ✦ SCAFFOLD If children consistently skip vowels during writing, help them focus on the vowel sound- spellings in each word. Write the dictation sentences on sentence strips, but without the vowels in VC and CVC words. Have children fill in the vowels during dictation. ✶ ASSESS AND RETEACH Assess Check the dictation sentences for correct spellings of words with c, f, h, and o. Reteach If a child misspells a word or incorrectly forms letters, write the correct spelling in highlighter. Have the child trace each letter in the word as they spell it aloud. Then invite children to compare the highlighted word they traced with the original word they wrote. Guide them to notice the differences. 29 WEEK 3 • DAY 1