Program Components Student Edition vText This virtual, interactive student edition provides a digital text, plus links to Supersite activities and media. Student Activities Manual (SAM) The Student Activities Manual consists of two parts: the Workbook and the Lab Manual . • Workbook The Workbook activities provide additional practice of the vocabulary, grammar, and cultural content for each textbook lesson. • Lab Manual The Lab Manual activities focus on building your pronunciation and listening comprehension skills in Spanish. They provide additional practice of the vocabulary and grammar of each lesson. WebSAM Completely integrated with the PERSPECTIVAS Supersite, the WebSAM provides access to online Workbook and Lab Manual activities with instant feedback and grading for select activities. The complete audio program is accessible online in the Lab Manual and features record-submit functionality for select activities. The MP3 files can be downloaded from the PERSPECTIVAS Supersite and can be played on your computer or mobile device. PERSPECTIVAS Supersite Included with the purchase of every new student edition, the passcode to the Supersite ( ) gives you access to a wide variety of interactive activities for each strand of every lesson of the student text, including auto-graded activities for extra practice with vocabulary, grammar, video, and cultural content; reference tools; the Artículo video clips; the short documentaries; News and Cultural Updates; the Textbook and Lab Program MP3 files, and more. IAE-33 COMPONENTS 9