16 CONTENIDO outlines the content and themes of each lesson. LESSON OPENER The first two pages introduce you to the lesson theme. Dynamic photos and brief descriptions of the theme’s short videos, culture topics, and literature serve as a springboard for class discussion. LESSON OBJECTIVES Objectives at the beginning of each lesson preview the goals toward which you will work throughout the lesson. The first through third objectives target interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication, respectively, whereas the fourth and fifth target intercultural communication. Supersite resources are available for every section of the lesson at . Icons show you which textbook activities are also available online, and where additional practice activities are available. The description next to the icon indicates what additional resources are available for each section: videos, audio recordings, readings and presentations, and more! EL ENTORNO SOCIAL Los seres queridos Copyright © Free Vector 130 ASÍ LO DECIMOS 138 ESTRUCTURAS 4.1 The subjunctive in adjective clauses 4.2 Re exive verbs 4.3 Por and para 150 ENFOQUE 152 ESCUCHAR 166 ESCRIBIR 167 VOCABULARIO CHILE ARGENTINA 132 153 161 157 ARGENTINA Y CHILE DOCUMENTAL Amor después del amor Los segundos matrimonios aumentan en Chile. ARTÍCULO Vivir en Chile Norteamericanos que han vivido en Chile hablan de su cultura adoptada. LITERATURA Anacrusa Lourdes Márquez Barrios El tiempo ha pasado rápido para una familia que fue una vez feliz. ARTÍCULO Estos chicos representaban lo mejor de Argentina Brian Winter Según el autor, las amistades más fuertes se ven entre amigos argentinos. LESSON OBJECTIVES You will learn how to… • identify the main idea of spoken and written texts related to family and personal relationships. • participate in spontaneous conversations on marriage, friendship, and family traditions. • communicate information, make presentations, and express how individuals interact. • compare perspectives about food, music, and other celebrations in your own and other cultures. • interact appropriately at events with family and friends based on cultural norms. LECCIÓN 4 PERSPECTIVAS at a glance