Repase y escriba - PROGRAM SAMPLER

SECCIÓN grAMATICAL 153 1 The conjunction antes (de) que is always followed by the subjunctive since it introdu- ces an action or state that is not, was not, or will not be a reality at the time expressed by the main verb. Todos los días me despierto antes de I wake up every day before the alarm que suene el despertador. clock goes off. La civilización mochica desapareció The mochica civilization disappeared antes que los chimú ocuparan ese before the chimu occuppied that territorio. territory. Los huaqueros extraerán muchas The thieves will take out many pieces piezas antes que los pobladores de before the inhabitants of Sipán Sipán se enteren. find out. 2 The other conjunctions of time can take either the subjunctive or the indicative. They will take the subjunctive when they introduce an action or state that has not yet taken place. Te van a dar ganas de ir a Perú cuando You will feel like going to Perú veas esos folletos de viaje. when you see those travel brochures. Deposita mi cheque en cuanto llegue. Deposit my check as soon as it arrives. Los actores regresarán a su país después The actors will return to their country de que termine el rodaje. when the filming is over. Las mujeres seguirán luchando hasta Women will continue struggling until que haya una mujer presidenta en Perú. there is a woman president in Perú. Su esposa no lo perdonará mientras His wife will not forgive him as long as (que) él no cambie su manera de ser.* he doesn’t change his ways. Ella dijo que me escribiría tan She said she would write me as soon as pronto como pudiera. she could. These conjunctions will take the indicative when the action or state that they introduce is customary or has already taken place. Siempre me dan ganas de viajar I always feel like traveling when I see cuando veo folletos de viaje. travel brochures. Todas las semanas deposito tu Every week I deposit your check as soon cheque en cuanto llega. as it arrives. Los actores regresaron a su país The actors returned to their country después que terminó el rodaje. when the filming was over. Las mujeres siguieron luchando hasta Women continued struggling until there que hubo una mujer presidenta en Chile. was a woman president in Chile. Su esposa no lo perdonó mientras His wife didn’t forgive him as long as (que) él no cambió su manera de ser. he didn’t change his ways. Ella me escribió tan pronto como pudo. She wrote me as soon as she could. * When the main verb is negative, the verb that follows hasta que and mientras que is usually negative too.