x PREFACE However, the learner must be able to understand most of the language for acquisition to happen (i.e., input has to be comprehensible and meaningful). In Pura vida , grammar and vocabulary are introduced for the first time in context through the meaningful and comprehensible stories in La pura verdad . These stories, in turn, provide a context for the Hablando de gramática section, where all examples draw on the cultural notions and country explored in the chapter. All activities, reading passages, writing tasks and video content that follow are rooted in the context of the real-life stories of Americans visiting Spanish-speaking countries, tap into students’ own lives and perspectives, or focus on the country highlighted in the chapter. All sections are thematically and culturally contextualized, reinforce the vocabulary and grammar of the chapter and encourage students to explore the country highlighted in the chapter. Modes of Communication Based on Learning Strategies The third chapter section Estrategias para la comunicación features learning strategies and activities for each mode of communication. Oral expression, both interpersonal and presentational, is emphasized throughout the program, with the inclusion of guided collaborative tasks that require interaction and negotiation of meaning and that encourage students to report their findings to the class. The role-play activities found in Ponte en mi lugar are accompanied by Estrategias para conversar , which provide students with key words, expressions, and phrases that will help them build oral fluency. Focused on developing interpretive skills, readings in Entérate are based on a variety of sources to cover a wide range of genres and incorporate the vocabulary, grammar structures, and cultural focus of each chapter. It also provides Estrategias para leer with strategic directions to guide the reading process. The accompanying activities help students build reading skills such as predicting content, understanding themain idea, or identifying supporting details. In addition, all readings are accompanied by pre- and post-reading activities that go beyond merely checking comprehension — language- focus tasks guide students through the actual process of interpreting written texts. Writing tasks develop written presentational skills with a strategy and focused topic. En tus propias palabras includes Estrategias para escribir , a step-by- step guide through those aspects that are most problematic for our students. Estrategias para escribir emphasizes process to develop writing skills. Finally, the Ver para creer section includes Estrategias para escuchar , which provides students with various strategies that helps them become effective listeners. Recycling and Reinforcement of Content Pura vida reinforces high-frequency vocabulary and key structures throughout the book. Starting in Chapter 2, there is at least one grammar or vocabulary topic recycled in every chapter. Side boxes marked with a recycling icon remind students of related, previously introduced concepts.