Gramática 2 | ciento setenta y siete 177 The past participle of -ar verbs is formed by removing the infinitive ending and adding -ado . The past participle of -er and -ir verbs is formed by removing the infinitive ending and adding -ido . He tomado el metro sola en la ciudad más grande del mundo. I’ve taken the subway by myself in the world’s biggest city. He asistido a una conferencia importante. I’ve attended an important conference. Whenanobject pronoun is present, it always goes before the conjugated verb—in this case, haber . He comido platos sabrosos como chilaquiles y pozole (¡y los he disfrutado mucho!). I’ve eaten dishes like chilaquiles and pozole (and have enjoyed them very much!). Some -er/-ir verbs have irregular past participles. Verbo Participio Significado abrir abierto opened (des)cubrir (des)cubierto (dis)covered decir dicho said escribir escrito written hacer hecho done, made imprimir impreso printed morir muerto died poner puesto put, placed romper roto broken resolver resuelto resolved ver visto seen volver vuelto (re)turned En una semana, he hecho más de lo que creía posible. In one week, I’ve done more than I thought possible. Recycle Participios pasados como adjetivos / Past participles as adjectives An adjective is a describing word; its role is to modify (give more information about) a noun or noun phrase. When a past participle is used as an adjective—rather than with haber as part of the verb—it must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. Look at the following sentences. What noun do following past participles modify and agree with? Maya está cansada después de su viaje al Distrito Federal (D.F.). Maya is tired after her trip to Mexico City. Comió un pozole bien preparado . She ate a well- prepared pozole . En su viaje conoció unos de los museos más visitados de México. On her trip she saw some of the most often-visited museums in Mexico. ¡Te toca a ti! La receta de pozole rojo. Completa la lista de ingredientes para la receta de pozole rojo con la forma apropiada de uno de los participios de la tabla de abajo. Necesitan concordar en número y género con el sustantivo. cortado cut, sliced desvenado de-veined sazonado seasoned escurrido drained molido ground picado diced, minced enjuagado rinsed Boston Globe/Getty Images, Inc.