2. Diphthongs In Spanish there are two types of vowels: strong ( a, e, o ) and weak ( i, u ). A diphthong is ei- ther a combination of two weak vowels or a combination of a weak vowel and a strong vowel. The consonant y , when it occurs at the end of a word, is pronounced like the vowel i and also forms a diphthong. Diphthongs constitute one unit of sound, and are thus pronounced as a single syllable. Listen to and repeat the following sounds and words. Diphthongs Examples Diphthongs Examples ai/ ay ai re, ¡ ay ! iu tr iu nfo, veint iu no au au la, au téntico oi/ oy oi go, s oy ei/ ey s ei s, r ey ou estad ou nidense eu Eu ropa, f eu do ua G ua temala, ag ua ia p ia no, d ia rio ue l ue go, b ue no ie s ie te, f ie sta ui/ uy L ui sa, m uy io id io ma, D io s uo c uo ta, inoc uo B. Práctica Read each of the following words, concentrating on the diphthong in bold. Begin after you hear ¡Adelante! After you read each word, listen for confirmation. estud ia nte v ei nte as ie nto id io ma v iu da Ed ua rdo esc ue la d úo b ui tre car ey b ai le Bomb ay au to d oy eu ro oi ga c uy 3. Stress and Written Accent Listen to each of the following rules, then listen to and repeat each word, stressing the syllable in bold. a. Words that end in a vowel, n, or s are stressed on the next-to-the-last syllable. a-ma- ri -llo al -ma gus -to re- pi -tan cla -ses do- lo -res b. Words that do not end in a vowel, n or s are stressed on the last syllable. pro-fe- sor co- lor doc- tor u-ni-ver-si- dad re- loj es-pe- cial c. Words that do not follow these rules carry a written accent to indicate where the stress falls. ca- fé te- lé -fo-no pá -gi-na mu-sul- mán di- fí -cil fi-lo-so- fí -a Sometimes a written accent signals a different meaning in words with the same spelling. Examples: tú you, tu your; él he , el the; sí yes , si if C. Práctica Pronounce the following words, stressing the correct syllable. Begin after you hear ¡Adelante! After you pronounce each word, listen for confirmation. 1. lu-nes 2. op-ti-mis-ta 3. có-mi-co 4. es-tu-dian 5. ac-tor 6. ca-li-dad 7. con-fir-mar 8. ge-ne-ral 9. brí-o 10. te-lé-fo-no 11. gra-tis 12. es-ta-dou-ni-den-se P-2
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