V I SUAL WALKTHROUGH xxi Tu mundo en vivo This section provides authentic linguistic input ( ¡Videos en acción!, ¡Diálogos en acción!, and ¡Lectura en acción! ) and promotes language prodution ( ¡A conversar!, ¡A escribir!, ¡A investigar! ). 64 sesenta y cuatro | CAPÍTULO 2 La universidad y el trabajo ¡Videos en acción! 2.1 UNA VISITA A LA UNAM 1. Antes de ver el video a. Why do you study Spanish? b. What do you think might be the best way to learn another language? 2. Después de ver el video Mark with an X the correct answers: a. El narrador habla 1 con estudiantes que son de: Tu mundo en vivo Australia Rusia Senegal Haití Corea Japón Vietnam Venezuela b. A los estudiantes les gusta la UNAM porque: Hay clases para aprender 2 la historia y cultura de México. Los maestros están motivados. Hay oportunidades para aprender y practicar español. 2.2 SER BILINGÜE 1. Antes de ver el video a. Do you know a student that speaks Spanish very well? b. In what jobs or professions in the USA do you think knowing Spanish might be useful? 2. Después de ver el video Do you agree that learning about the culture of a country is as important as learning its language? Defend your opinion. ¡Diálogos en acción! 2.1 ¿DÓNDE ESTÁ? Jorge is a Mexican student new to campus. He asks a passerby for information. Paso 1. First, read the Expresiones útiles in Apéndice 1 . Next, listen to the dialog twice and answer the questions your instructor will ask. Paso 2. Look at the transcript of this dialog in Apéndice 2 and act it out with a partner. Switch roles. Now, go to Apéndice 1 to complete Pasos 3 and 4 . 2.2 ¡MIS CLASES SON DIFÍCILES! Verónica and Alejandro, two Mexican students, run into each other on campus. 1 speaks, 2 learn Video 66 sesenta y seis | CAPÍTULO 2 La universidad y el trabajo Speaking Strategy Requesting Repetitions Using speaking strategies will help you communicate more successfully. For example, certain phrases will make it easier to obtain assistance when it is hard to comprehend other speakers. If you do not understand, say « Lo siento, pero no entiendo ». If you need a person to speak more slowly, say « Más despacio, por favor ». To request a repetition of what was just said, use « Repita, por favor ». If youmemorize these phrases, you will be ready to ask for help when you need it. ¿ADÓNDE VAS? Role-play meeting a friend on campus. Greet each other and then ask: • how you are • where you’re going after class • at what time you’re going home or to work • then say good-bye ¡A escribir! Writing Strategy Listing Information Before you begin writing your description, quickly jot down words and phrases that apply to each of the items listed. Example: Susana Gómez/ dependienta y estudiante… Steps: 1. Prewriting: List information. 2. Writing: Now turn your words and phrases into full sentences, and where applicable, give as much information as possible. 3. Revising: Read your composition carefully. Have you included all of the information requested and checked for correct spelling and punctuation? Have you (a) used ser and estar correctly, (b) omitted the indefinite article when using ser to indicate the profession, and (c) not capitalized nationality, days of the week, andmonths of the year? 4. Peer correction: Exchange papers with a classmate. Circle errors or areas where there are questions, and then talk about them. Make corrections on your own paper as appropriate. Paso 3. Now, read the passage a second time and answer these questions. 1. ¿Qué programas de orientación ofrece la Universidad de Michigan? ¿Para quiénes? ¿Cuántos días son? 2. ¿Quién tiene que reservar la fecha de la orientación, crear una cuenta y una contraseña 1 ? ¿Es obligatoria 2 la orientación? 3. ¿Cuál es el objetivo principal de la orientación? ¿Quién va a ayudar 3 al estudiante? ¡A conversar! 1 password, 2 required, 3 help Tu mundo en vivo | sesenta y siete 67 ¿QUIÉN SOY YO? Write a brief description of yourself for a Spanish-speaking student you are going to mentor. • Tell your name ( Me …). • Tell your occupation or profession, if you have one ( Soy …). • Indicate your nationality and where you are from (city, state, and so on). • Say when your birthday is. • De cribe yourself using the cognates in Capítulo 1 , Gramática 4 . • In icate y ur weekly schedule: on what days and at what times you go to class/work. • Say what your favorite class is ( Mi clase favorita …), who the instructor is, and how many students are in the class. • Make sure to ask him or her some questions as well (see Gramática 5 , in this chapter.). ¡A investigar! Research Strategy Finding Spanish-Language Sources When studying a language and the culture of its speakers, it is useful to develop the skills needed to research aspects of the culture that interest you professionally, academically, or personally. Spanish-language websites created for a Hispanic audience will provide a perspective that English-language sites may not. The major Internet search engines allow you to select the language used to conduct searches, and you may even be able to limit results to a particular country. Look for advanced search instructions, language tools, and international sites on the homepage of your favorite search engine. LAS UNIVERSIDADES DE LOS PAÍSES HISPANOS Where do students inHispanic countries study? What are their universities like? You are already familiar with programs for international students at the Universidad de Salamanca and at UNAM, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Find out how other institutions are organized and what programs they offer to their domestic students by conducting a search limited to Spanish-language sites. Paso 1. Your instructor will divide you into groups of three and assign each group a country. Using your search engine’s language tools and key words such as universidad and your country name, find the official website of one of that country’s universities. Working with your partners and relying on your background knowledge, cognates, and the website’s images and graphics, exami e the main page and the various sections of the site. Focus on headings and lists. Paso 2. Based on your review, prepare a table that provides the following information about the university and post it online: • The name of the university ( El nombre de la universidad ) • Website URL ( La dirección en Internet ) • Where the university is located ( La ubicación de la universidad ) • The names of three of the colleges or departments ( Tres facultades/ departamentos ) • The names of two academic programs from each of the colleges or departments ( Dos programas académicos ) • Contact information ( El número de teléfono, el e-mail ) Paso 3. After each group posts its table online and all groups have had an opportunity to review the information, compare, in English, the information available on these websites with what is presented on your own college or university site. Tu mundo en vivo | sesenta y cinco 65 ¡Lectura en acción! Reading Strategy Utilizing Your Background Knowledge Before reading an unfamiliar text, it can be helpful to think about what you already know about the main topic, and to anticipate some of the information that will be included. ORIENTACIÓN PARA LA UNIVERSIDAD The followingwebsitedescribes for Latino students and their families the new student orientation activities available on the Ann Arbor campus. Paso 1. Thinking about the title and introduction for this reading, and your own experiences attending new-student orientations in the past, check off each box in column 1 that includes the types of information that you would expect to be included. 1 2 1 2 1 2 information about the campus and its services a campus tour meet and talk to current students placement exams registration assistance general academic advising Paso2. Now, readtheprogramdescription fromthewebsite.Don’tworryaboutunderstanding every single word. Instead, focus on what you do understand. As you identify some of the activities and information from Paso 1 , put a check in the box in column 2. Univers ity of Mi chigan, Portal e n Españ ol. Used by perm ission. ¡A escribir! A presentational writing task paired with a prewriting, writing, or revising strategy and process writing steps. ¡Lectura en acción! An excerpt of an authentic Spanish speaking source with accompanying comprehension and discussion questions; and reading strategies. Course Resources: • Instrucciones para la clase ( Classroom Directions ) • Mapa y datos de los países hispanohablantes ( World Map ) • Países y gentilicios ( Countries and Nationalities List ) • Apéndice 1: ¡Diálogos en acción! (Expresiones útiles; Pasos 3 y 4) • Apéndice 2: Transcripciones de los ¡Diálogos en acción! • Apéndice 3: Verbos • Glosario: español - inglés • Glosario: inglés - español ¡A conversar! An interpersonal speaking activity related to the chapter theme and presentedwith a strategy to assist students in developing comprehension or self expression skills. ¡A investigar! Asks students to collaborate researching a theme-related topic using authentic materials and to present their findings in spoken or written form. The accompanying strategy guides students in finding online or community-based sources of information. ¡Videos en acción! Two culturally thematic videos with unscripted interviews accompanying by pre-, while, and post-viewing activities. ¡Diálogos en acción! Two unscripted dialogue recordings modeling important linguistic functions with accompanying listening and speaking activities.