Imagina at-a-glance IxAvEii-i20 ESTRUCTURAS presents key intermediate grammar topics with detailed visual support. Objetivo comunicativo There is a communicative goal for each grammar point. Integration of Cortometraje Photos with quotes or captions from the lesson’s short film show the new grammar structures in meaningful contexts. Charts and diagrams Colorful, easy-to-understand charts and diagrams highlight key grammar structures and related vocabulary. Grammar explanations Explanations are written in easy-to-understand language. Atención These sidebars expand on the current grammar point and call attention to possible sources of confusion. Taller de consulta These sidebars reference relevant grammar points in Estructuras , as well as the supplemental Manual de gramática . • Interactive grammar tutorials 212 Lección 6 6.1 The following grammar topics are covered in the Manual de gramática, Lección 6. 6.4 Adverbs, p. 398 6.5 Diminutives and augmentatives, p. 400 TALLER DE CONSULTA ESTRUCTURAS An adverbial clause ( cláusula adverbial ) is one that modifies or describes verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. It describes how, why, when, or where an action takes place. ¡ATENCIÓN! The subjunctive in adverbial clauses • In Spanish, adverbial clauses are commonly introduced by conjunctions. Certain conjunctions require the subjunctive, while others can be followed by the subjunctive or the indicative, depending on the context. El Ejército siempre debe estar preparado en caso de que haya un ataque. The army must always be prepared, in case there is an attack. El candidato hablará con su familia antes de que conceda la derrota. The candidate will talk to his family before he concedes defeat. • If there is no change of subject in the sentence, always use the infinitive after the prepositions para and sin , and drop the que . La abogada investigará todos los detalles del caso para defender a su cliente. The lawyer will investigate every detail of the case in order to defend her client. —Tenemos un minuto para intercambiar asientos y reacomodarnos. • The use of the infinitive without que when there is no change of subject is optional after the prepositions antes de , con tal de , and en caso de . After a menos que , however, always use the subjunctive. Debo leer sobre el candidato antes de votar por él. I must read about the candidate before voting for him. La senadora va a perder a menos que mejore su imagen. The senator is going to lose unless she improves her image. Conjunctions that require the subjunctive • Certain conjunctions are always followed by the subjunctive because they introduce actions or states that are uncertain or have not yet happened. These conjunctions commonly express purpose, condition, or intent. MAIN CLAUSE CONNECTOR SUBORDINATE CLAUSE No habrá justicia para las víctimas sin que encarcelen a los criminales. Conjunctions that require the subjunctive a menos que unless antes (de) que before con tal (de) que provided that, as long as en caso (de) que in case para que so that, in order sin que without, unless Tutorial Objetivo comunicativo: Conversar sobre situaciones políticas en el futuro El valor de las ideas 213 Conjunctions followed by the subjunctive or the indicative • If the action in the main clause has not yet occurred, then the subjunctive is used after conjunctions of time or concession. ESTRUCTURAS Note that although después (de) que and luego (de) que both mean after , the latter expression is used less frequently in spoken Spanish. ¡ATENCIÓN! Conjunctions followed by the subjunctive or the indicative a pesar de que despite aunque although; even if cuando when después (de) que after en cuanto as soon as hasta que until luego (de) que after mientras que while siempre que as long as tan pronto como as soon as Trabajaremos duro hasta que no haya más abusos de poder. We will work hard until there are no more abuses of power. Aunque mejore la seguridad, siempre tendrán miedo de viajar en avión. Even if security improves, they will always be afraid to travel by plane. Cuando hablen con la prensa, van a exigir la libertad para los prisioneros. When they speak with the press, they are going to demand freedom for the prisoners. • If the action in the main clause has already happened, or happens habitually, then the indicative is used in the adverbial clause. Tan pronto como se supieron los resultados, el partido anunció su victoria. As soon as the results were known, the party announced its victory. Mi padre y yo siempre nos peleamos cuando hablamos de política. My father and I always fight when we talk about politics. • A pesar de , después de , and hasta can also be followed by an infinitive, instead of que + [ subjunctive ], when there is no change of subject. Algunos ladrones se reformarán después de salir de la cárcel. Some thieves will reform after leaving jail. Algunos ladrones se reformarán después de que salgan de la cárcel. Some thieves will reform after they leave jail. Los pasajeros se sentarán tan pronto como el hombre discapacitado baje. S-22
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