70 soixante-dix 1 A C T I V I T É S C U L T U R E À L A L O U P E Leçon 2 B French university courses often consist of lectures in large halls called amphithéâtres. Some also include discussion-based sessions with fewer students. Other than in the grandes écoles and specialized schools, class attendance is not mandatory in most universities. Students are motivated to attend by their desire to pass. Course grades may be based upon only one or two exams or term papers, so students generally take their studies seriously. They often form study groups to discuss the lectures and share class notes. This practice encourages open exchange of ideas and debate, a tradition that continues well past university life in France. The start of classes each year is known as the rentrée universitaire and takes place at the beginning of October. The academic year is divided into two semesters. Four to six classes each semester is typical. Students take exams throughout the semester, a practice known as contrôle continu º. At final exams in May or June, they can retake other exams they might have failed during that year or the preceding year. French grades range from 0–20, rather than from 0–100. Scores over 17 or 18 are rare and even the best students do not expect to score consistently in the near- perfect range. A grade of 10 is a passing grade, and is therefore not the equivalent of a 50 in the American system. If you plan to study abroad for credit, ask the foreign institution to provide your school with grade equivalents. contrôle continu continuous assessment Les cours universitaires Réfléchissez 1. Do you take any classes in large lecture halls? What about smaller, discussion-based classes? Which format do you prefer? Explain. 2. Is attendance mandatory for most of your classes? How do you think this policy affects student attitudes? Do you think French students have similar attitudes to yours? Explain. 3. How often do you take exams? What attitudes do French university students have regarding exams? How do those attitudes compare to your own? Vrai ou faux? Indicate whether each statement is vrai or faux . Correct the false statements. 1. Class attendance is optional in some French universities. 2. The French university system discourages note sharing. 3. The rentrée universitaire happens each year in August. 4. Scores of 18 or 19 are very rare. 5. The final exams in May or June are called the contrôle continu . 2 Barème° de notation l Comparez les deux systèmes. Lequel ( Which one ) préférez-vous? Barème Scale Les équivalents précises des notes françaises varient selon l’institution. NOTE AMÉRICAINE NOTE FRANÇAISE A+ 14–20 A 11–13 B 9–10 C 8 D 7 F 0–6 C U L T U R E ES PAC E