soixante-sept 67 LM p. 14 Leçon 2B Les sons et les lettres The letter r The French r is very different from the English r . In English, an r is pronounced in the middle and toward the front of the mouth. The French r is pronounced in the throat. You have seen that an -er at the end of a word is usually pronounced - ay , as in the English word way , but without the glide sound. chanter manger expliquer aimer In most other circumstances, the French r has a very different sound. Pronunciation of the French r varies according to its position in a word. Note the different ways the r is pronounced in these words. rivière littérature ordinateur devoir If an r falls between two vowels or before a vowel, it is pronounced with slightly more friction. rare garage Europe rose An r sound before a consonant or at the end of a word is pronounced with slightly less friction. porte bourse adore jour Prononcez Practice saying the following words aloud. 1. crayon 5. terrible 9. rentrer 13. être 2. professeur 6. architecture 10. regarder 14. dernière 3. plaisir 7. trouver 11. lettres 15. arriver 4. différent 8. restaurant 12. réservé 16. après Articulez Practice saying the following sentences aloud. 1. Au revoir, Professeur Colbert! 2. Rose arrive en retard mardi. 3. Mercredi, c’est le dernier jour des cours. 4. Robert et Roger adorent écouter la radio. 5. La corbeille à papier, c’est quarante-quatre euros! 6. Les parents de Richard sont brillants et très agréables. Dictons Practice reading these sayings aloud. 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 2 When the fox preaches, watch your geese. Qui ne risque rien n’a rien. 1 Quand le renard prêche, gare aux oies. 2 Pronunciation Tutorial À la fac UNITÉ 2 More activities vhlcentral p. 230 online activities
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