Communication ESPACE 66 soixante-six Leçon 2 B 7 Le week-end Fill out the schedule below with your typical weekend activities. Use the verbs you know. Compare your schedule with a classmate’s, and talk about the different activities that you do and when. Be prepared to discuss your results with the class. 4 Conversez Interview a classmate. 1. Quel jour sommes-nous? 2. Quand assistes-tu au cours de maths? 3. Quand rentres-tu à la maison? 4. Est-ce que tu prépares un examen cette semaine? 5. Est-ce que tu écoutes la radio? Quel genre de musique aimes-tu? 6. Quand téléphones-tu à des amis? 7. Est-ce que tu regardes la télévision le matin, l’après-midi ou ( or ) le soir? 8. Est-ce que tu dînes dans un restaurant ce mois-ci? 5 Tu étudies...? Find out your partner’s class schedule and write it down. Then swap schedules to see if you understood correctly. Are you taking any of the same classes? l ask his or her name l ask what classes he or she is taking l ask on which days of the week he or she has class l ask at which times of day (morning, afternoon, or evening) he or she has class 6 Bataille navale Your instructor will give you a worksheet. Choose four spaces on your chart and mark them with a battleship. In pairs, formulate questions by using the subjects in the first column and the verbs in the first row to find out where your partner has placed his or her battleships. Whoever “sinks” the most battleships wins. Étudiant(e) 1: Est-ce que Luc et Sabine travaillent le week-end? Étudiant(e) 2: Oui, ils travaillent le week-end. ( if you marked that square ) Non, ils ne travaillent pas le week-end. ( if you didn’t mark that square ) Le vendredi soir Le samedi matin Le samedi après-midi Le samedi soir Le dimanche matin Le dimanche après-midi Le dimanche soir Moi Lucie I CAN identify words and phrases related to schedules and daily activities.