Leçon 2A ESPACE CONTEXTES pages 46–49 ● Academic life ● Liaisons ESPACE ROMAN-PHOTO pages 50–51 ● Trop de devoirs! ESPACE CULTURE pages 52–53 ● The French university system ESPACE STRUCTURES pages 54–61 ● Present tense of regular -er verbs ● Forming questions and expressing negation ESPACE SYNTHÈSE pages 62–63 ● Révision ● Le Zapping Leçon 2B ESPACE CONTEXTES pages 64–67 ● Everyday activities ● The letter r ESPACE ROMAN-PHOTO pages 68–69 ● On trouve une solution. ESPACE CULTURE pages 70–71 ● University life ESPACE STRUCTURES pages 72–79 ● Present tense of avoir ● Telling time ESPACE SYNTHÈSE pages 80–81 ● Révision ● À l’écoute SAVOIR-FAIRE pages 82–87 ● Panorama: La France ● Lecture: Read an academic brochure. ● Écriture: Write a description of yourself. Pour commencer ● What are these people looking at? a. un cahier b. un ordinateur c. un dictionnaire ● How do these people look in the photo? a. intelligentes b. sociables c. égoïstes ● Which word describes what they are doing? a. arriver b. voyager c. étudier Communicative Goals You will learn how to: ● Talk about classes and your schedule ● Ask and answer questions about daily activities ● Investigate university life in francophone cultures UNITÉ 2 À la fac
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