S-28 E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E IAE-28 SAVOIR-FAIRE Écriture develops writing skills in the context of the unit’s theme. Process approach Like À l’écoute and Lecture , Écriture is a skill-building feature. It was developed using a process approach in order to guide your writing efforts. It has pre-writing tasks ( Avant l’écriture ), a writing assignment ( Écriture ), and post-writing tasks ( Après l’écriture ). Stratégie provides useful strategies that prepare you for the writing task presented in Thème . Thème describes the writing topic and includes suggestions for approaching it. • Composition engine xxvi Thème Une description personnelle Avant l’écriture 1. Write a description of yourself to post on a website in order to find a francophone e-pal. Your description should include: · your name and where you are from · the name of your school and where it is located · the courses you are currently taking and your opinion of each one · some of your likes and dislikes · where you work if you have a job · any other information you would like to include Use a chart like this one to brainstorm information about your likes and dislikes. J’aime Je n’aime pas S T R A T É G I E S T R A T É G I E STRATÉG I E d r ag r eg rd r l t l v i l c rs d nç s l c rs d ch logi ch t r d n r r l r l c rs d c i l c rs d i logi J’ m J ’ m s Brainstorming In the early stages of writing, brainstorming can help you generate ideas on a specific topic. You should spend ten to fifteen minutes brainstorming and jotting down any ideas about the topic that occur to you. Whenever possible, try to write down your ideas in French. Express your ideas in single words or phrases, and jot them down in any order. While brainstorming, do not worry about whether your ideas are good or bad. Selecting and organizing ideas should be the second stage of your writing. Remember that the more ideas you write down while brainstorming, the more options you will have to choose from later when you start to organize your ideas. Écriture 86 quatre-vingt-six S A V O I R - F A I R E Communicative Goal Write a description of yourself Bonjour! Je m’appelle Michael Adams. Je suis américain. J’étudie le droit à l’Université de Chicago. Je travaille au restaurant Students’ Corner. J’aime parler avec des amis, lire ( read ), écouter de la musique et voyager, parce que j’aime rencontrer des gens. Par contre, je n’aime pas le sport... 2. Now take the information about your likes and dislikes and fill out this new chart to help you organize the content of your description. Je m’appelle… (name). Je suis de… (where you are from). J’étudie… (names of classes) à/au/à la (name of school). Je ne travaille pas./ Je travaille à/au/ à la/chez… (place where you work). J’aime… (activities you like). Je n’aime pas… (activities you dislike). Écriture Use the information from the second chart to write a paragraph describing yourself. Make sure you include all the information from the chart in your paragraph. Use the structures provided for each topic. Après l’écriture 1. Exchange a rough draft of your description with a partner. Comment on his or her work by answering these questions: · Did your partner include all the necessary information (at least six facts)? · Did your partner use the structures provided in the chart? · Did your partner use the vocabulary of the unit? · Did your partner use the grammar of the unit? 2. Revise your description according to your partner’s comments. After writing the final version, read it one more time to eliminate these kinds of problems: · spelling errors · punctuation errors · capitalization errors · use of incorrect verb forms · use of incorrect adjective agreement · use of incorrect definite and indefinite articles I CAN write a description of myself including basic information about daily life and preferences. quatre-vingt-sept 87 À la fac UNITÉ 2 E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E E A - A E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E