S-24 E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E IAE-24 ESPACE SYNTHÈSE pulls the lesson together with cumulative practice in Révision . The second page of the section alternates between Le Zapping/Flash culture and À l’écoute . Révision activities integrate the lesson’s two grammar points with previously learned vocabulary and structures, providing consistent, built-in review as you progress through the text. Pair and group icons call out the communicative nature of the activities. Situations, role-plays, games, personal questions, interviews, and surveys are just some of the types of activities that you will engage in. Information gap activities , identified by the interlocking puzzle pieces, engage you and a partner in problem-solving situations. You and your partner each have only half of the information you need, so you must work together to accomplish the task at hand. Le Zapping features authentic videos in French—commercials, news reports, an online ad campaign, and three short films— supported by background information, a preparation activity, and useful vocabulary. Post-viewing activities practice interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication, as well as provide opportunities for intercultural reflection and community engagement. Flash culture (in A lessons of most odd-numbered units) features activities related to the cultural video. À l’écoute (in all B lessons) presents a recorded conversation or narration to develop your listening skills in French. Stratégie and Préparation prepare you for listening to the recorded passage. À vous d’écouter takes you through the recorded passage, and Compréhension checks your understanding of what you heard. • Partner and Video Virtual chat activities for conversational skill-building and oral practice • Review activities in the Activity Pack • Streaming video of Le Zapping/Flash culture • Composition engine for Écriture • Textbook and extra practice activities • Audio for À l’écoute xxii soixante-cinq 81 UNITÉ 2 À la fac S Y N T H È S E quatre-vingt-un 81 Communicative Goal Listen for cognates À l f c I STRATÉG I E 8H00 8H30 9H00 9H30 10H00 10H30 11H00 11H30 12H00 12H30 13H00 13H30 14H00 14H30 15H00 15H30 16H00 16H30 17H00 17H30 18H00 18H30 19H00 19H30 28 OCTOBRE o ng i è u t l h n r p S i : u i r Listening for cognates You already know that cognates are words that have similar spellings and meanings in two or more languages: for example group and groupe or activity and activité . Listen for cognates to increase your comprehension of spoken French. To help you practice this strategy, you will listen to two sentences. Make a list of all the cognates you hear. Préparation Based on the photograph, who do you think Marie-France and Dominique are? Do you think they know each other well? Where are they? Where are they probably going this morning? What do you think they are talking about? À vous d’écouter Listen to the conversation and list any cognates you hear. Listen again and complete the highlighted portions of Marie-France’s schedule. Compréhension Vrai ou faux? Indicate whether each statement is vrai or faux . Then correct the false statements. 1. D’après Marie-France, la biologie est facile. 2. Marie-France adore la chimie. 3. Marie-France et Dominique mangent au restaurant vietnamien à midi. 4. Dominique aime son cours de sciences politiques. 5. Monsieur Meyer est professeur de physique. 6. Monsieur Meyer donne des devoirs faciles. 7. Le lundi après-midi, Marie-France a psychologie et physique. 8. Aujourd’hui, Dominique mange au resto U. Votre emploi du temps With a partner, discuss the classes you’re taking this semester. Be sure to say when you have each one, and give your opinion of at least three courses. Practice more at . I CAN listen for cognates. À l’écoute ESPACE cent sept 107 Video CSILLA Bonjour, Monsieur. C’est votre fils? HOMME Non, c’est mon neveu. CSILLA Comment s’appelle-t-il? HOMME Il s’appelle Colin. Compréhension Answer these questions based on the video. 1. Quelles personnes sont dans la vidéo? 2. Quels types d’activités sont possibles dans le parc de la Torse? 3. Et sur la place des Cardeurs? 4. Comment est l’ambiance dans le parc? Discussion In groups of three, discuss these questions. 1. Est-ce que vous aimez le parc et la place montrés ( shown ) dans la vidéo? Pourquoi? 2. Employez le vocabulaire de cette leçon pour décrire les personnes dans le parc. CSILLA Eh! Un jeune couple! Que c’est romantique! Vocabulaire utile gentils se relaxer sportifs un parc une place nice to relax athletic park square Avant de regarder Answer these questions. 1. Dans ta ville, est-ce qu’il y a des parcs, des places ou des espaces verts pour se relaxer le week-end? Lesquels? 2. Qui visite ces endroits ( places )? La famille et les copains When the weather is nice, many French people head to a park, square , or café. They enjoy meeting friends and relaxing, sitting in the sun or going for a stroll, and taking in the fresh air. The parc de la Torse and place des Cardeurs are the perfect places to enjoy some leisure time in Aix-en-Provence . Hôtesse: Csilla I CAN discuss people and public spaces. CULTURE F ash Communicative Goal Discuss people and public spaces La famille et les copains UNITÉ 3 More activities vhlcentral pp. 401–402 online activities soixante-trois 63 Compréhension Indicate which expenses are mentioned in the video. les livres les transports l’ordinateur les examens le mobile la télévision Conversation Discuss these questions with a partner. 1. Review the expenses mentioned in the video. Do the same educational costs exist in your community? Are any items missing from the list, in your opinion? 2. What is the message of this ad? Discuss your reaction to the message. Réflexion Answer these questions. 1. What obstacles exist in your community for people seeking to enroll in college or university courses? Make a list. 2. How do expectations around educational costs in your community compare to the situation in the video? Do students generally expect their parents to help them pay for school? Explain. 2 3 4 Les études Founded in Brittany, France in 1949 by Édouard Leclerc, the hypermarché chain E.Leclerc now has hundreds of locations in France and around Europe. It was the first French chain to apply wholesale prices to retail, resulting in savings for consumers. As you will see in this ad, costs associated with education in France can add up. When supermarket savings aren’t enough, certain public entities offer financial aid to help pay for school and associated costs. Many French students are eligible for discounts on housing, public transportation, and even vacation. Préparation Answer these questions. 1. What is the average yearly tuition cost for a four-year university in your country? 2. What educational costs, besides tuition, are associated with student life in your community? 1 Annonce Ad Application In groups of three, choose one of the types of financial aid available in France from the list below. Who offers this aid and what does it cover? Who is eligible and what are the criteria? Does a similar type of aid exist in your community? Present your results using as much French as you can. ● aide au mérite ● aide au logement ● aide d’urgence ● aide pour projets culturels et artistiques 5 I CAN identify and reflect on attitudes around education costs. Vocabulaire utile la cité U compter un coût les frais de scolarité ( m. ) le logement la nourriture le prix la vie étudiante residence hall to count cost tuition housing food price student life Annonce° d’E.Leclerc Regarde! Je suis accepté, là! Video ESPACE À la fac UNITÉ 2 Communicative Goal Identify and reflect on attitudes around education costs S Y N T H È S E 80 quatre-vingts Leçon 2 B Rév i s i on Allemand .......................... mardi, jeudi; 14h0 0-15h30 Biologie II ......................... mardi, jeudi; 9h00 -10h30 Chimie générale................ lundi, mercredi; 1 1h00-12h30 Espagnol........................... lundi, mercredi; 1 1h00-12h30 Gestion ............................. mercredi; 13h00- 14h30 Histoire des États-Unis ...... jeudi; 12h15-14h 15 Initiation à la physique...... lundi, mercredi; 1 2h00-13h30 Initiation aux maths .......... mardi, jeudi; 14h0 0-15h30 Italien ............................... lundi, mercredi; 1 2h00-13h30 Japonais ........................... mardi, jeudi; 9h00 -10h30 Les philosophes grecs....... lundi; 15h15-16h 45 Littérature moderne .......... mardi; 10h15-11 h15 Les cours Jours et heures J’ai besoin de… In pairs, take turns saying which items you need tomorrow. Your partner will guess why you need them. How many times did each of you guess correctly? Étudiant(e) 1: J’ai besoin d’un cahier et d’un dictionnaire pour demain. Étudiant(e) 2: Est-ce que tu as un cours de français? Étudiant(e) 1: Non. J’ai un examen d’anglais. un cahier un livre de physique une calculatrice une montre une carte un ordinateur un dictionnaire un stylo une feuille de papier un téléphone À l’université To complete your degree, you need two language classes, a science class, and an elective. Take turns deciding what classes you need or want to take based on the course list provided. Your partner will tell you the days and times so you can write down your schedule. Étudiant(e) 1: J’ai besoin d’un cours de maths, peut-être «Initiation aux maths». Étudiant(e) 2: C’est le mardi et le jeudi après-midi, de deux heures à trois heures et demie. Étudiant(e) 1: J’ai aussi besoin d’un cours de langue… 1 2 Les cours Your partner will tell you what classes he or she is currently taking. Make a list, including the times and days of the week. Then, talk to as many classmates as you can, and find at least two students who take at least two of the same classes as your partner. On y va? Walk around the room and find at least one classmate who feels like doing each of these activities with you. For every affirmative answer, record the name of your classmate and agree on a time and date. Do not speak to the same classmate twice. Étudiant(e) 1: Tu as envie de retrouver des amis avec moi? Étudiant(e) 2: Oui, pourquoi pas? Samedi, à huit heures du soir, peut-être? Étudiant(e) 1: D’accord! chercher un café sympa regarder la télé française dîner au resto U retrouver des amis écouter de la musique travailler à la bibliothèque étudier le français visiter un musée cette semaine Au téléphone Three high school friends are attending different universities. Write a conversation where they discuss the time, their classes, and likes or dislikes about campus life. Then, role-play the conversation for the class and vote for the best skit. Étudiant(e) 1: J’ai cours de chimie à dix heures et demie. Étudiant(e) 2: Je n’ai pas de cours de chimie cette année. Étudiant(e) 1: N’aimes-tu pas les sciences? Étudiant(e) 2: Si, mais... La semaine de Patrick Your instructor will give you and a partner different incomplete pages from Patrick’s day planner. Your partner has the information that you are missing, and vice versa. Take turns saying what activities Patrick does at different times in the week to fill the blanks in his schedule. Do not look at each other’s worksheets. Étudiant(e) 1: Lundi matin, Patrick a cours de géographie à dix heures et demie. Étudiant(e) 2: Lundi, il a cours de sciences po à deux heures de l’après-midi. 3 4 5 6 E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E E A - A ESPACE E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E