S-17 E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E IAE-17 UNIT OPENERS outline the content and features of each unit. Pour commencer activities jump-start the units, allowing you to use the French you know to talk about the photos. Content thumbnails give you an at-a-glance summary of the vocabulary, grammar, cultural topics, and language skills on which you will focus. Communicative Goals highlight the real-life tasks you will be able to carry out in French by the end of the unit. Supersite resources are available for every section of the unit at . Icons show you which textbook activities are also available online, and where additional practice activities are available. The description next to the icon indicates what additional resources are available for each section: videos, audio recordings, readings, presentations, and more! xv Leçon 2A ESPACE CONTEXTES pages 46–49 ● Academic life ● Liaisons ESPACE ROMAN-PHOTO pages 50–51 ● Trop de devoirs! ESPACE CULTURE pages 52–53 ● The French university system ESPACE STRUCTURES pages 54–61 ● Present tense of regular -er verbs ● Forming questions and expressing negation ESPACE SYNTHÈSE pages 62–63 ● Révision ● Le Zapping Leçon 2B ESPACE CONTEXTES pages 64–67 ● Everyday activities ● The letter r ESPACE ROMAN-PHOTO pages 68–69 ● On trouve une solution. ESPACE CULTURE pages 70–71 ● University life ESPACE STRUCTURES pages 72–79 ● Present tense of avoir ● Telling time ESPACE SYNTHÈSE pages 80–81 ● Révision ● À l’écoute SAVOIR-FAIRE pages 82–87 ● Panorama: La France ● Lecture: Read an academic brochure. ● Écriture: Write a description of yourself. Pour commencer ● What are these people looking at? a. un cahier b. un ordinateur c. un dictionnaire ● How do these people look in the photo? a. intelligentes b. sociables c. égoïstes ● Which word describes what they are doing? a. arriver b. voyager c. étudier Communicative Goals You will learn how to: ● Talk about classes and your schedule ● Ask and answer questions about daily activities ● Investigate university life in francophone cultures UNITÉ 2 À la fac E S PAC E S AT- A - G L A N C E E S PAC E S AT A - G L A N C E