ISA-E1-531 THE FLASH CULTURE SEGMENTS In each unit, a Flash culture segment allows you to experience the sights and sounds of France, the French-speaking world, and the daily life of French speakers. Hosted by the ESPACES narrators, Csilla and Benjamin, these segments transport you to a variety of venues: schools, parks, public squares, cafés, stores, cinemas, outdoor markets, city streets, festivals, and more. The narrations were carefully written to reflect the vocabulary and grammar covered in ESPACES . They also incorporate mini-interviews with French speakers in various walks of life. The footage was filmed to capture rich, vibrant images that will expand your cultural perspectives with information directly related to the content of your textbook. LE ZAPPING TV CLIPS AND SHORT FILMS A TV clip or a short film from the French-speaking world appears in eight units. The purpose of this feature is to expose you to the language and culture contained in authentic media pieces. Unité 2 Les études Unité 4 Sur les toits de Paris Unité 6 L’Annonce (short film) Unité 8 Vivre à la ferme Unité 10 S’aimer mieux Unité 12 Le Boucher (short film) Unité 14 Des poules pour l’environnement Unité 15 Qui de nous deux (short film) xxix