S-12 C O M P O N E N T S IAE-16 Chat Activities Video Virtual Chat activities provide you with opportunities to develop your listening and speaking skills and to build confidence as you practice with video recordings of native speakers. Unlike other listening activities where students can easily pause and repeat, Video Virtual Chats require you to answer questions in real time—just as you’ll do when you engage in conversations with fluent speakers in the target language. You’ll also benefit from nonverbal and articulatory cues that are essential for production and pronunciation. Partner Chat activities enable students to work in pairs to synchronously record a conversation in the target language to complete a specific activity. This collaboration facilitates spontaneous and creative communication in a safe environment. Chats are available in the Contextes , Structures , and Synthèse: Révision strands. New Features andTechnology Panorama Videos The all-new Panorama culturel videos provide authentic visuals and voice-over narration for select paragraphs on the Panorama spreads. Each interactive video contains an integrated viewing activity that checks comprehension and prepares you for deeper reflection. Vocabulary Tutorials The Contextes section has new Vocabulary Tutorial activities in which select lesson vocabulary terms are illustrated by photos with audio. Additionally, a game-like cumulative matching activity provides an engaging review of the new terms. PronunciationTutorials with Speech Recognition Pronunciation Tutorials require you to engage with the material via interactive quick checks throughout each tutorial. Real-time feedback via embedded Speech Recognition gives you an opportunity to reflect on language patterns and increases your awareness of pronunciation for more effective speaking and listening skills. xiii C O M P O N E N T S C O M P O N E N T S
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