Unit 1 | 11 UNIT 1 / CONNECT TO LANGUAGE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Guide students who need more support. Using the illustration, point to a boy, girl, and teacher, and prompt the student to identify the word. Have students create their own flashcards with a drawing on one side and the word on the other. Have pairs ask each other: What do you see? Amplify Have pairs work together to create a skit using the language they have learned so far, in addition to other words they know. Provide sentence strips for: Hello. Hi. My name is ____ . Nice to meet you. My name is ____ . Good-bye. Bye! Go from one side of the room to the other, using question-and-answer. Each student answers the student who comes before and asks the next student in line. Use the sentence frames: My name is ____ . What is your name? You may want to put the sentence frames on the board. Provide a think-aloud. Point to yourself and say : My name is [name]. Point to the first student. Ask : What is your name? Guide the student to say My name is [name] . and ask What is your name? to the next student in line. WORDS TO KNOW • Teacher modeling Look around the room and use gestures as you model asking : What do you see? I see Maria. Repeat with friends , school , and other known words. Pair students with the same home language and have them use the sentence frames: What do you see? I see ____ . Help them with unknown classroom words. • Demonstrate close viewing Wave your hand over the pages. Say : I see hello . Then point out the upper right corner of the page. Say : I see good-bye. Point to Miss Sanchez and say : I see a teacher. Write teacher on the board. Repeat with student , boy , and girl . Ask : What do you see? 1 • Demonstrate active listening Use gestures to teach listen . Then play the audio all the way through, helping students understand when to repeat. If students talk or get distracted, redirect them to listen. • Recognize familiar words and phrases Confirm students’ understanding of the new words. Gesture as you say : Boys, stand up. Then have them sit down, and repeat the activity for girls and students . Then model and say : Teacher, sit down. 2 Use actions to develop vocabulary Teach point . Say : I point at a boy. Point at the teacher. Now point at your book 3 Tell students that now we point to good-bye words. Say : Good-bye, Mr. Chen. Bye. Then have students point to the words and read them. • Understand print concepts Explain speech bubbles by modeling. Point to Miss Sanchez’s speech bubble and its tail. Using a grown-up voice, say : Hello! My name is Miss Sanchez. What is your name? Point to Lea’s speech bubble. Use a student’s voice and say : Hi! My name is Lea. • Draw to share ideas Have students draw a hello/good- bye scene. Have them include speech bubbles with words inside them. Have them assign names and labels: boy , girl , student , or teacher . • Revisit the Essential Question Remind students of the Essential Question: How do we greet each other? Have pairs share which greetings they use most. Have them include both words and gestures. Practice Book pp. 8–9 Assessment Program p. 13 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE WORDS TO KNOW boy girl student teacher Unit 1 | eleven 11 CONNECT TO LANGUAGE & LITERACY 1 Listen and repeat. 2 Point to the words for hello . Say the words. 3 Point to the words for good-bye . Say the words. Good-bye, Mr. Chen. Bye, Li. Hello! My name is Niko. What is your name? Hi, Niko! My name is Liliana. ELL22_G4-6_SE_U1_010-011_CL_CP.indd 11 1/6/21 10:53 AM