Get Reading! Sail and Soar - PROGRAM SAMPLER
x TEACHING WITH GET READING! A variety of activities can be done with the readers before, during, and after reading. Example activities include: BEFORE READING Introduce the Reader Introduce vocabulary using sentences and summarizing elements of the text. Activate Background Knowledge Help your students prepare to use their background knowledge by asking what they know about the topic or setting of the reader. Use Prediction Using the cover and title, guide students to make predictions about the text. Encourage students to explain their predictions and give reasons for them based on their background knowledge and the title / cover. Take a Picture Walk In small groups or in pairs, have students look through the book before reading. Help students talk about what they see in order to activate their background knowledge and prepare them to read the text. Draw students’ attention to vocabulary words for the content they are talking about if possible. DURING READING Listen to Reading As students are reading, circulate and ask them to read you a few sentences. Listen for their correct pronunciation and reading fluency. Check Comprehension Have students tell you about what they have just read, drawing out students’ understanding of the overall text as well as specific details. For higher-level students, ask follow-up questions to get students to elaborate and find evidence in the story to support their responses. For example: What do you think will happen next in the text? What in the text makes you think that? Use Annotation Occasionally, have students use annotation strategies as they read to help them monitor their comprehension. For example: Level A : Have students use sticky notes to mark words they do not understand. Then review the words using gestures, pictures, or example sentences. Help students and use the words in sentences. Level B : Have students use sticky notes to mark the text as they read and record questions they have about the text. Level C : Have students use sticky notes to mark the text as they read and record questions they have about the text or connections with their own background knowledge.
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