Reflexive verbs • In a reflexive construction, the subject of the verb both performs and receives the action. Reflexive verbs ( verbos reflexivos ) always use reflexive pronouns ( me, te, se, nos, os, se ). Reflexive verb Non-reflexive verb Elena se lava la cara. Elena lava los platos. Reflexive verbs lavarse to wash (oneself) yo me lavo tú te lavas usted/él/ella se lava nosotros/as nos lavamos vosotros/as os laváis ustedes/ellos/ellas se lavan • Many of the verbs used to describe daily routines and personal care are reflexive. acostarse to go to bed afeitarse to shave arreglarse to get ready bañarse to take a bath cepillarse to brush (one’s hair, teeth) despertarse to wake up dormirse to fall asleep ducharse to take a shower lavarse to wash (oneself) levantarse to get up maquillarse to put on makeup peinarse to comb (one’s hair) ponerse to put on (clothing) secarse to dry off quitarse to take off (clothing) vestirse to get dressed • In Spanish, most transitive verbs can also be used as reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject performs the action to or for himself or herself. David divirtió a los invitados con sus chistes. David amused the guests with his jokes. David se divirtió en la fiesta. David had fun at the party. Ana acostó a los gemelos antes de las nueve. Ana put the twins to bed before nine. Ana se acostó muy tarde. Ana went to bed very late. 1.2 ¡ATENCIÓN! A transitive verb takes an object. An intransitive verb does not take an object. Transitive: Mariela compró dos boletos. Mariela bought two tickets . Intransitive: Johnny nació en México. Johnny was born in Mexico. ESTRUCTURAS 22 Lección 1 Objetivo comunicativo: Hablar sobre la rutina diaria Tutorial