Verbs like gustar • Many verbs follow the same pattern as gustar . aburrir to bore caer bien/mal to (not) get along well disgustar to upset doler to hurt; to ache encantar to like very much faltar to lack; to need fascinar to fascinate hacer falta to miss; to need importar to be important to; to matter interesar to interest molestar to bother; to annoy preocupar to worry quedar to be left over; to fit (clothing) sorprender to surprise Me fascina el cine francés. I love French movies. A Sandra le disgusta esa situación. That situation upsets Sandra. ¿ Te molesta si voy contigo? Will it bother you if I come along? Me duelen sus mentiras. Her lies hurt me. • The construction a + [ prepositional pronoun ] or a + [ noun ] can be used to emphasize who is pleased, bothered, etc. A ella no le gusta bailar, pero a él sí. She doesn’t like to dance, but he does. A Felipe le molesta ir de compras. Shopping annoys Felipe. • Faltar expresses what someone or something lacks and quedar expresses what someone or something has left. Quedar is also used to talk about how clothing fits or looks on someone. Le falta dinero. He’s short of money. A la impresora no le queda papel. The printer is out of paper. Le falta sal a la comida. The food needs some salt. Esa falda te queda bien. That skirt fits you well. TALLER DE CONSULTA See 2.2 , page 63 for prepositional pronouns. ¿Qué te hace falta en la vida? ESTRUCTURAS Sentir y vivir 19